By the looks of it , on my main world Khelonar ....
Top 5% will be close to the magic # of 260 for a full
Manor set ... Adjusting for some stragglers lets 2x that.
Playing devil's advocate : when an event such as this,
only gets 10% of the active players, basically complete'n
the event ( all 13 artifacts ).... Doesn't that say the
currency was nerf'd too much and prolly a good Idea,
since usually FAs only follow evolve events, and there
will be one ..... to give away the last 2 Manor pieces
(plaza/forge) as Lvl 2/3 prizes, like artifacts usually are
following evolve events ????
Its not going to severely imbalance the game, and really
does make up for such a nerf'd event .... currency wise...
@very least top 20% shud have gone far enuff to get
the whole Manor set, that still keeps it exclusive enuff.....