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Spell: Supply Production Boost


Sooo... What's up with the Supply Production Boost spell (and probably other spells, too)???

Sometimes I've used the spell and, because of work or whatever, I don't get to check in during the 10 hour spell effect duration. I then come back, and get non-boosted amounts of supplies!!! THE DEVS REALLY NEED TO CHANGE THAT. Because as of now, the spells simply don't work the way they work.

I used the spells, and should get the supplies. Or, at the very least, I should get back the spells to re-use again (and the devs should fix the spells so they actually work next time).


I'm not sure if it's a bug, or a bad design.

I mean, I'm getting the effect when I cast it, but if I can't get log back in between the time when the workshop is finished and the spell effect expires, then I lose the boosted supplies I would've earned from the spell. I don't know for sure if it is a bug or not. But it IS infuriating, and leads me to sometimes waste spells because I had to be at work or something else longer than I thought I'd be.

Or is it that the spells are supposed to be used at the very last minute before workshop production ends? For instance, I could make Toolboxes at my Workshops (they take 24hrs to make), and use the spells at the very last moment to get the full effect for the entire 24hrs of production. That's possible now, so maybe I should do that. But that, too, is a joke and a failure of the devs. What is the point of the 10hr spell effect duration if it can increase a 24hr production just by the timing of when the spell is used?

Rather, it should boost 10hrs of the 24hrs of production. Or of a 9hr production, it should boost that duration, and still be there if it takes me 11hrs to get home and be able to collect the supplies.


Most of us apply the spell just BEFORE we collect, and then again just before the spell expires.


Katwijk - yeah, I figured out that that is the smart way to do it (just before I collect).

But then, isn't the spell effect duration a complete joke?


Nope - you can
  • Apply the spell
  • Collect for your overnight run
  • Then do 15 minute cycles until your eyes bleed


Do I guess this means that the menu showing the boosted production is incorrect for those choices that extend beyond the time that the spell lasts, and I've just wasted one on a two day production (it was a magical manufacturing spell).


Always wait to apply a spell until you collect. The spell for the workshops is 10 hours and the manufacturing one is 12. If you wait until your are ready to collect and apply it then, you will receive your goods and you can do 1 and 3 hour times for the rest of the spells time period. I do wish they would be longer but we take what we get.


Sooo... What's up with the Supply Production Boost spell (and probably other spells, too)???

Sometimes I've used the spell and, because of work or whatever, I don't get to check in during the 10 hour spell effect duration. I then come back, and get non-boosted amounts of supplies!!!.

You have answered your own question in the question. The spells are working as intended, after they have been casted, the bonus supplies effect lasts for 10 hours. If you are unable to login during those 10 hours to collect, you don't benefit from using the spell. Once the hour 10 timer has counted down to zero, the spell wears off.


Oh Wise One
Also note there is a wonder that increases the time limit for the power of production spell (supplies) which might allow you to collect twice on a day you work. First collection immediately after casting the spell and the second after you get home assuming the wonder can extend the time long enough to suit your needs.


The Spell Should be names:

Supply Collection Boost

Simple, accurate, no way to misunderstand, and would save everyone needing to figure it out...

Unstoppable, apparently you have a fully functional understanding of implied English! Yes, it is not a production boost, it's a collection boost. Everything you collect in the time allowed is boosted - not everything produced.