As someone who also plays FoE and loves the weekly Guild Expeditions, which the Spire is just a ported version of, I can safely say that our version here is still a flaming sack of Ork poo...
It costs way too much, the rewards vs. the effort suck, and it's almost impossible for anyone with a life outside of Elvenar to get through everything without being forced to waste time instants.
Oh, and the negotiation is fething broken since we have no way to gain a 4th turn for the 6+ option negotiations!!
I don't know why or how they could have screwed this thing up as hard as they did - all they had to do was basically copy the FoE version;
- Lv.1 = lost cost, minimal rewards.
- Lv.2 = a little below current Lv.1 costs, but similar rewards.
- Lv.3 = somewhat expensive, but lots of chances at kp's, CC's, bigger time instants + better odds at Spire exclusive buildings, higher diamond payouts vs. Bosses, etc...
As it is, I do just the initial 4 encounters because they're fairly cheap, and I can get a 50/50 or so shot at a 'tellyporta' spell.