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    Your Elvenar Team

Squadsize was Reduced, Why?


I had previously had 15 for squadsize and after losing a bunch of fights it is now 6 again. I am facing squads that have 70+, I have 16 archers and 35 swordsman and 6 squadsize. I can't win any battles at all and training takes forever. Am I doing something wrong? And what made my squadsize reduce?


Nothing makes squad size reduce. If you're playing tournaments, I imagine the fights are getting harder, but that doesn't mean your squad size is getting smaller.


Oh Wise One
As mentioned, nothing reduces your squad size. Squad size comes from technology and we can't unlearn a technology.

It is common for people to confuse the number of units in a squad with the squad size, is it possible that is the case? Different units have different weights so you get more units of archers in a squad than treants but the squad size is identical.

You sound like you are right near the start of the game where unfortunately combat on the world map is at its hardest. Fell free to let support know, they can't help but hopefully they can relay the fact it is broken. Read up about squad sizes, scouting technology and such to better understand how to maximise your efforts and get through the pain faster.


Set Designer
Your base squad size is 6. Each squad size technology increments this by an ascending multiple of three. Thus squad size 1 is 6 + 3, squad size two is 6 + 3 + 3x2, and squad size three is 6 + 3 + 3x2 + 3x3; or 9, 15, and 24. You can view your squad size from the "army camp" tab of your barracks. Tournaments use a percentage of your squad size for fights, though there is likely a minimum value of 6 or so. Since you are in chapter 1 you probably are seeing this tournament squad size pop up with the minimum value, and are assuming that your normal squad size has somehow decreased. Once you get a large enough squad size, the tournament squad size used will be 5% of your squad size times the tournament province number. That is the first tournament province would use 5%, the second 10%, etc.

EDIT: It appears that the basic (or starting) squad size did change at least a few times over the game's duration. According to the wiki, the basic squad size was 12, according to another source, it hit 15, and now is at 6. I do not think that the last change was recent enough to have been seen by you, as Mykan's fighting guide, last edited a year ago, does have the six value.
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