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Strategies for Building Manufactories?


Active Member
Hello everyone,

Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I'm wondering what would be the best strategy for building manufactories.

I have planks boost, and I'm currently in a pretty active fellowship with a good amount of trading.

Obviously, I should build more planks factories since I have production boost. However, should I keep expanding my other factories (marble and steel)? Should I get rid of them and maximize planks so I can trade?

Please comment!
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If you want maximum efficiency then build only boosted. Your bonus will rise quickly as you gain relics and soon you will be making 150% 200%, 300% more planks free. Your population tied up in marble/steel will get freed up and there will be more space in your city for growth..


congrats you are in an active fellowship, with a good amount of trading.

I would recommend you build only your boosted factories,

gaining more relics for your boosted from provinces will soon add up to a huge increase, and you'll soon see the non-boosted marble/steel are just lawn ornaments when comparing their production.