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Stuck on Chapter 21 quest - collect Prey


I'm stuck on the collect 20,000 prey quest. My prey capacity is full, and there is no way to spend it. How am I suppose to complete this quest?


I'm stuck on the collect 20,000 prey quest. My prey capacity is full, and there is no way to spend it. How am I suppose to complete this quest?

Ok I see I can spend a couple hundread at a time in diabhol's workshop...... why can't you make these collect or donate???? So frustrating, bad design.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If your tower is not level 4 yet, then upgrade it for more space. If you are already at level 4 or have to do more research first before upgrading, the level up the Vortex of Storage Wonder to increase how much of the capped goods the portal can hold.