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    Your Elvenar Team

Supplies for Coins


you mean like, using the 'wholesaler' in the trader menu to buy marble or steel for 8000 coins? :]
if you don't have the trader menu.. you have to research/buy the trader.


you mean like, using the 'wholesaler' in the trader menu to buy marble or steel for 8000 coins? :]
if you don't have the trader menu.. you have to research/buy the trader.

NO, that's not what I mean - I mean exactly what I wrote.


City management is a better idea and you don't have to wait for the devs to tell you no. You really need to figure out how much supplies you need to run everything you want. Then add an extra workshop or 2 for tech unlocks and building upgrades. The wholesaler is a great way to dump excess coins, but you should never need to depend on it for anything.


True @kayleegrrl but it would be really nice if I could build more houses and trade the gold from them for more hammers...Yeah yeah yeah, balance...

But the surplus population, commmeeeee onnnnnn, you know you want it too!


I don't care how well you plan, there is always going to be a point in time where it would be handy. If you don't think so then you haven't been playing that long.


Haha! I plan my cities for how I want them to look at the end of the chapter and calculate how many workshops I need to run all my manufactories and barracks. I always plan for an extra 2 for building upgrades and tech unlocks. I will always produce an excess of coin and that cannot be helped, but those always get dumped in the trader anyway.

A great way to plan so you don't run into supply issues would be to use the Elven Architect, copy your city into there and make adjustments based on future needs.


Yes, if it's a daily issue then planning is key. I was thinking more along the lines of upgrades. example: I've got 16 workshops to upgrade from level 21 to 22 each upgrade costs 1,840 coins and 45,800 supplies. With five builders working I'm going to burn through my supply stock fairly quick. Thus it would be nice to swap some coins for some supplies to keep the upgrades rolling along. Make sense?