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    Your Elvenar Team

The Silverhorn Vista is looking for active players!


New Member
We are currently undergoing a bit of a reorganization and are looking for active players. We have a core group of very active players and we're hoping to fill out the ranks a bit.

Our fellowship is based on true teamwork and cooperation:
1. Weekly Activity (visits at least 4 times per week, preferably daily)
2. Fair Trades (2 and 3 star) unless specifically arranged with another member. Cross-tier trades are okay.
3. If you are going to be away for more than a week or two, put a note in your city banner letting everyone know.

We do not push very hard on tourneys or Fellowship Adventures: no pressure to participate but always welcome!

If you are new, tired of trying to make it on your own, or just looking for something stable and consistent, apply for membership in game or contact me, MasterPepe here. We look forward to learning and growing with you!