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    Your Elvenar Team

Time suck in the research tree.


Why do we have to waste the time and resources to open technologies for manufactory upgrades on buildings we do not have and never intend to build?

If it's not your boosted good, you shouldn't have to complete them. I'm finishing up chapter 5 and I have to come up with 142 knowledge points, 100k coins, 20k supplies, 3500 marble, 3200 planks, 4700 crystals, 4000 silk, 1200 elixer, and 1450 gems to open superior third tier upgrades for buildings it makes no sense for me to have at all.

What is the point of this? Just to waste my time and slow down my progress? Why aren't these technologies optional?


Oh Wise One
Not everyone builds boosted goods only so it allows for choice. If you build boosted goods only just think of it as 142KP for your boosted factory just you can get it att 1/3, 2/3 or fully researched depending on your preference :p


Nobody told me this was a game for masochists.

Lol, and here I thought that any city building or browser strategy game is a game for masochists.

Not everyone builds boosted goods only so it allows for choice.

Topic is not about making choice on building or not unboosted manufactories. It's about researching techs for unboosted goods on mandatory basis...and there's no choice for that.


I do love how this game was/is advertised as having a choice on the tech tree. You could essentially decide a style you wanted to play and research the tech to compliment it - what a load of crap!!!

The techs that are optional are often ones that everyone will do.
The one optional tech in chapter 1 is a city expansion.
The only optional tech in chapter 2 is a city expansion.
The only 2 optional techs in chapter 3 are city expansions.
There are zero optional techs in chapter 4 & 5.
The only 2 optional techs in chapter 6 are squad size and city expansion.
There are 4 optional techs in chapter 7 - a culture, a squad size and 2 city expansions.
There are 4 optional techs in chapter 8 - a squad size, a city expansion and the newly introduced orc style training grounds and orc warrior (these will probably be mandatory next update).
There are 7 optional techs in chapter 9 - 2 squad size, 2 city expansion and the 3 grafting sites (I doubt these are optional to advance in future chapters, but maybe they are??).

To summarize, there are a total of 21 optional techs and 10 are city expansions, 5 are squad size, 1 culture and probably 5 future mandatory.
Not many player choices!!


Tim, I totally agree with you. All battle things should be optional. All non boosted goods things should be optional. All Ancient Wonder things should be optional. We should be able to pass up things we do not think we will need. And if, down the road we decide we want to have something, we could go back and complete it. That would make the game more fun. Makes it too fast? Well then give us more Tech types. How about complete this tech for 10 diamonds, or 25 diamonds, or a free culture item, or a discount on a building, another "head" icon for our picture, there are lots of fun things you can add to the tech tree. complete this for 10 spells, or relics, ... these would slow us down because we would definitely complete them. smiles.. and we would enjoy doing it.


Tim, I totally agree with you. All battle things should be optional. All non boosted goods things should be optional. All Ancient Wonder things should be optional. We should be able to pass up things we do not think we will need. And if, down the road we decide we want to have something, we could go back and complete it. That would make the game more fun. Makes it too fast? Well then give us more Tech types. How about complete this tech for 10 diamonds, or 25 diamonds, or a free culture item, or a discount on a building, another "head" icon for our picture, there are lots of fun things you can add to the tech tree. complete this for 10 spells, or relics, ... these would slow us down because we would definitely complete them. smiles.. and we would enjoy doing it.
Or make the techs cost more kp. Then players would really have to choose what they want to be their play style.

Should you go full cater route then tournaments could be too expensive and you lose out on relics and kp from them.
Should you go full army route you may decide only to do your own units and not waste time on the training grounds and other type units.
You could do everything and just progress much slower??

At least we would have a choice.


Yep. There are a few that still like to battle. not many but a few and so they have the opportunity to build their armies as they wish. Others like me and the majority of people from what I read on the forum lol, now cater. so... extra boosts in our factories and for sure more kp will slow things down.


There are 7 optional techs in chapter 9 ...the 3 grafting sites (I doubt these are optional to advance in future chapters, but maybe they are??)

These are not optional. You will notice at the main hall upgrade in that chapter, the research branches off into 3 sections. You will not be able to complete city expansion 37 and on, you will also not be able to complete the grave, fountain and turtle and on after that. All those techs require special goods which are made from the goods made inside the grafting sites. Therefore, you cannot get the Ancient wonders tech without completing the grafting sites :)


I've never had a problem with having to unlock the manufacturies for non boosted goods. Sure it seems like a time and waste of resources on the surface, but it gives me extra time to focus on building armies, fighting, etc. I always produce way more goods in a day than whatever is needed to unlock an item in the tech tree, so in a way those parts of the tech tree help me to slow down for a few days or a week to build up goods.


These are not optional. You will notice at the main hall upgrade in that chapter, the research branches off into 3 sections. You will not be able to complete city expansion 37 and on, you will also not be able to complete the grave, fountain and turtle and on after that. All those techs require special goods which are made from the goods made inside the grafting sites. Therefore, you cannot get the Ancient wonders tech without completing the grafting sites :)
Then that only furthers my point that nothing is really optional in the tech tree other than a few squad size upgrades and a number of city expansions (which everyone will do anyways).
The game is beyond cookie cutter and everyeone is doing the same thing, just at a different pace.