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too many animations causing problems

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Please institute an option like in FOE where you can turn off animations when visiting other people's cities.

I have to regularly reload the game 3 times when visiting other fellowship members because the game freezes. Others in my fellowship have said that only half a city shows up when they visit others, and sometimes they don't see buildings but weird graphics/icons above where the buildings should be.

Please give us the option of turning off animations when visiting other people's cities, I think the abundance of animations is taxing the graphics and therefore making the program shut down. Thank you.


There are actually two answers.
  1. You can use the gear menu to reduce the amount of detail, which includes the animations
  2. You can use the "E" Hotkey to flip to buffable icons before the city graphics even load.
The slow loading actually has very little to do with the animations. Loading is more about your internet connection. You should be getting something similar to http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5373020689


If you switch the graphics to low it pretty much does the same thing. Click the cogwheel lower right of screen
*quick-fingerswijk beat me to the post yet again


I used the gear menu to lower the detail before I posted my initial post, and it didn't make a difference. Here is my speedtest, 21.91 download speed. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5569209422
If too many animations don't cause performance problems, then why is it even an option to turn them off in FOE?
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