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    Your Elvenar Team

Tournament question?


Hello, I am just curious why it is not showing that I solved any encounters in the Scrolls Tournament, when I have 606 tournament points from solving them? (p.s. sorry I didn't know the "help" icon meant to offer help instead of asking for help)

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The solved encounter resets for the next round as each province is cleared. For example, if we only do two of the encounters in that province it would show 2/4, then when we finish the other two it will show the 0/4 for the next round. Nice pic!!!


Buddy Fan Club member
Another way to look at it: It shows the number of encounters done in the province in the round with the first black star. It counts up to 3, then awards the gold star for completing the 4th encounter. Then it shows the number of encounters for the next black star. Rewards work the same way. For example, in your pic, for the first province: the ranking points, relics and spell are what you will get when you complete all encounters in round 4; they are not what you got already for completing round 3.


The solved encounter resets for the next round as each province is cleared. For example, if we only do two of the encounters in that province it would show 2/4, then when we finish the other two it will show the 0/4 for the next round. Nice pic!!!

Good to know, thank you! :)

Another way to look at it: It shows the number of encounters done in the province in the round with the first black star. It counts up to 3, then awards the gold star for completing the 4th encounter. Then it shows the number of encounters for the next black star. Rewards work the same way. For example, in your pic, for the first province: the ranking points, relics and spell are what you will get when you complete all encounters in round 4; they are not what you got already for completing round 3.

Thank you for your detailed answer! :)

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