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    Your Elvenar Team

Trades Trade


New Member
This is the thread where you can trade knowledge points with other people in Winyandor. Before you leave, please notice that at the bottom of this screen you have the option of watching this thread and being notified of changes in the thread by email.

I will start the thread by posting a sharing of knowledge points with xoxoxoxoxoxo
Last edited:


Two points:
  • The more common name is Swap Thread, for exchanging KPs
  • You can only Swap with cities that you've discovered or that are in your Fellowship


New Member
This is the thread where you can trade knowledge points with other people in Winyandor. Before you leave, please notice that at the bottom of this screen you have the option of watching this thread and being notified of changes in the thread by email.

I will start the thread by posting a sharing of knowledge points with xoxoxoxoxoxo


New Member
The forum moderator told me to label the thread trade. Anyone who can participate is welcome to. I am sorry if anyone can't. You are welcome to send me an email if you want!