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    Your Elvenar Team

Trader Improvement


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
So I was scribbling in some scrolls and looking over the tournament material. I fight the entire tourney so I generally don't pay much attention to the catering aspect, but this stood out to me. The catering multipliers for the costs are as follows: 3.247 for T1, 2.461 for T2, and 1.618 for T3. Since this is set for everyone regardless of where they are in the game, it's interesting to note that we are required to use almost 3x less T3s to cater than T1s and this doesn't scale as you progress in the game. So we're flooded with buildings that give T3s but the spending rate/need of them are still much lower than the other 2 tiers for basic goods. Perhaps they should give us more things to spend T3s on too?


Well-Known Member
If an [only one] additional filter were to be implemented, I'd take a cross-tier filter over a 0-or-1-star filter anyday.

Trades are already sorted via star value first and foremost*, then sorted by trade amount within those star ratings. It's easy enough (though mistakes do happen) to get around without accidentally taking a trade of a lower value, but if you were really picky about those cross-tier trades? Those things can end up sprinkled around the entire list like a gosh darned minefield. Even after you do something like filter down either demand or offer, there may still be a minefield of cross-tiers to deal with. (But not both demand and offer, because if you set both, that problem will just not be there by definition).

I personally do not care about the whole cross-tier trading thing most of the time. Some of the time, I kinda like that they're there. But when I want same-tier stuff, well... Zoofs are not known for their dancing and dodging skills.

* Actually, the first and foremost sort is whether or not you're actually capable of taking the listed trade. All ineligible trades are listed at the end.

EDIT: Change to initial sentence
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