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    Your Elvenar Team

Trader link


A trader link in the World Map (& Research Tree) would be advantageous so you could make needed trades while in World view instead of returning to your home city, then trader, then back to the World for completion, then to have to find the province you were working on again. It should allow the province you are working on to stay open in the background. Same for the Research Tree situation.


I would also like the possibility to see that icon when visiting a player, showing you all trades that person has up at the moment.
I have some people I like to trade with but sometimes it's hard to find their trades between all the crappy trades posted.
And for some people I will take crosstiertrades as a favor, or because they specifically asked me to. Then its really annoying to have to look through all the other crosstiertrades all the time, and accidentally hit one I don't want