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    Your Elvenar Team

Trader question?


in my trader icon, i see steel and planks but no marble, why is that????


If you mean in the wholesaler tab (where you purchase goods for a ridiculously high price) , it's because you're boosted in marble and should only produce that. Then use the trader to trade 1/3 of your goods for planks and 1/3 for steel.


in my trader icon, i see steel and planks but no marble, why is that????

what Kaylee said. smiles. I might add that it is so much better if you only build factories in your boosted goods. why? because you will increase your boosts as you clear provinces and do tournaments. and you will not do so with your non boosted goods. each player is boosted in once product in each tier. you are boosted in Tier 1 marble. so build at least 4 marble factories and use your overage to trade for planks and steel. if you don't have an abundance, build a couple more marble factories. It is also important to belong to a fellowship as a FS works together to help each other with trades and growth. Hope this helps you out a bit!