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Trading Sentient Goods


Well-Known Member
Why is there such an imbalance on Sentient Goods trades.
There is always a glut of Tree Gum offered for trade often 3 star, but rarely are trades posted offering Moonstone or Platinum.
One would expect a fairly even distribution for sentient goods. I've also noticed the imbalance for tier 2 sentient goods and expect its also true for tier 3.
I can understand the imbalance on regular goods because of tournaments, but the imbalance on sentient goods baffles me.


Oh Wise One
It's possible the existence of Gum trees from the Spire is throwing things out of whack. I'm producing about 15,000 gum a day and I don't have any factories for it.


Oh Wise One
What server are you on?

On US1 there is no such issue that I have seen. The goods vary around but regardless of what is showing in the trader placing trades still move very quickly. My trades are all gone within 9hrs (or there abouts). Only benefit to accepting trades is all the 3 star trades on offer with people trying to get noticed among 120-150 pages of trades.


Well-Known Member
Mykan, I am on US5 and play in Elcsandir.
Just checked to see if anyone was demanding Gum and still none. Some times I get lucky and someone post a trade asking for Gum. You have to be quick to grab them, they disappear very quickly. I don't bother posting trades offering tree gum sinse there are 50 - 100 pages already posted, with 5 - 10 pages of 3 star trades..
Will I see different trades if I log onto different server?


Oh Wise One
I am on US5 and play in Elcsandir.
A tidbit. saying US5 and Elcysander is the same thing.

Each of the 8 US servers has a different name.


Oh Wise One
Its a newer sever (compared to US1) but would have thought a reasonable amount f sentient players. Certainly newer servers could have imbalance issues.

Try posting some trades, even with tons of pages you might be surprised. The other option is to go 3 star if needed to move your name to he top. Larger quantities also helps move you to the top. Your unlikely to see trades offering gum if there are that many demanding them. People will just accept what is there and don't need to post anything.

Edit: Nice pic ashrem. Just check cause there are two us4's in it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for comments, I am on often, so I do catch a break from time to time.
There is a player or two constantly posting 0 star trades, but I tend to avoid them. I guess I can't really blame them for taking advantage of the supply/demand in there favor
A tidbit. saying US5 and Elcysander is the same thing.

Each of the 8 US servers has a different name.
View attachment 6983
Noted. :)


Oh Wise One
Nice pic ashrem. Just check cause there are two us4's in it.
I missed that edit the first time. Amusingly enough, I think I was in the middle of editing my post to fix the image when you were editing yours to add that.


I agree with abel99 but it is Platinum in Ceravyn, TONS of Moonstone and not a drop of Platinum posted for trade. There needs to be a better way to balance the trades at this level. This makes it so you just don't play that much anymore.