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Treant II Question


Barracks Training sayd: Basic size for my Treant II is 12 (Armory +91)

But it's only training 8 at a time

Golem basic size is 12, and it's training 17

Is this a problem, or a misprint?


thank you - I had read this before posting, though. It doesn't address the question of training size...nor could i find the information under Barracks or Armory.

It's made clear what affects squad size...but there isn't info about training size.
Sword Dance II and Archer II training size is increased by Armory upgrade. Golem I is increased (above basic) . But Treant II is below basic training size. This isn't explained anywhere I can find.


Hi, maybe this will help.

12 (Armory +91) = 103 training size

103 divided by the weight of troop treant (12) = 8.58 that is rounded down to 8 treants per barrack training slot.
103 divided by the weight of troop golem (6) = 17.16 that is rounded down to 17 golems per barrack training slot.


Hi, maybe this will help.

12 (Armory +91) = 103 training size

103 divided by the weight of troop treant (12) = 8.58 that is rounded down to 8 treants per barrack training slot.
103 divided by the weight of troop golem (6) = 17.16 that is rounded down to 17 golems per barrack training slot.



You seem to have gotten two terms confused. Squad size and training size. Those are totally different values.

Training size is how many you can train at a time, which is affected by the number of armories you have and I think the level of your barracks.

Squad size is the number of guys you can send into battle in a single stack, the little number up in the corner of each guy you choose, and this is determined by the researches you achieve.

It's a little confusing, but not a misprint. You can send more guys into battle than you can train at one time. It's not great, but better than having those values reversed, right?