It's going to be hard to say if Tides is worth it to you in Ch. 3, since it's going to depend on how high you can evolve it, and what your playstyle is. It provides culture and population at all evolution stages, and at higher stages the culture amount is quite significant. It's a choose 1 production bldg, so even once it has 4 possible productions, you can only pick 1 to have active at a time. The trade off is that the amounts of those productions are larger than evolving bldgs that give multiple things.
Here's what you'll get to choose from at the various stages in Ch. 3:
Stage 1-3: supplies or vallorian guards
Stage 4-6: supplies, vallorian guards or boosted T1 goods he good 1 to the right of your boost)
To see the exact amounts, I like to use idavis's site
here. You can search for the building and find info for all the stages and chapter levels. I personally find it easier to use than elvenarchitect for this kind of thing, although I love it for other things.