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Unable to Change Worlds


When I try to switch worlds to join friends in play, I am constantly told that I have to finish the tutorial before I can change over. I finished the tutorial already, it's not that long a process.

Game version: __ v1.11.8-(ff41728) (2016-08-08 9:33)
Game world: __Khelonaar (trying to switch to Arendyll)
Browser + version: __Firefox 47.0.1 AND Chrome 51.0.2704.103 m
Flash Player version: __Shockwave Flash
Operating System: __Windows 7, SP1
Screen resolution: __1366 x 678
Account name: __LaBat
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: __ 5/5 = happens always

Quest title: __ N/A
Screenshots of the bug:



Hi LaBat -

Can you please contact support, so that we can get this issue resolved for you as quickly as possible? :)