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    Your Elvenar Team

Upgraded Axe Men 2 bug.


The Axe Men II (2) are not displaying their 20% resistance to heavy infantry bonus. (Which they DO get apparently, as I always get a -20% damage modifier when they are hit by heavy infantry.) The +20% damage bonus to heavy infantry however IS showing, just the resistance is missing.


Thank you for reporting this bug. We will investigate and forward this to the developers.


It appears that you may have some slight misinformation. Axe Barbarian (II) promotion does not include heavy melee resistance. However, there does seem to be a display glitch where the damage modifiers on retaliation attacks do not properly reflect the damage types involved. This was reported on Beta. For now I will set this as "Not a Bug" as the boosts and resistances are working as intended. For more information on the Axe Barbarian (II) promotion (or any unit) please visit this link.


I'm afraid the response you gave for my bug does not address the bug I reported.

I've triple checked this in combat, and the Swamp monsters (Which are heavy infantry.) """ARE""" showing doing -20% damage modifier to me, and NOT just on retaliations, but on direct attacks, every single time. (They do +30%, -20%, giving me a +10% shown.) They do not have this -20% modifier when attacking any other unit I have, only axe men 2.

So unless the issue of having incorrect retaliation modifiers also applies to normal attacks, then this is still a valid bug.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate having stronger than normal units, but it's still either a description bug, or a game mechanic bug.


Thank you for bringing this up, let us look into this issue some more. By any chance, could you take a snappy screenshot of what you see on the screen?


Thank you for bringing this up, let us look into this issue some more. By any chance, could you take a snappy screenshot of what you see on the screen?

I'll be sure to screenshot it next time I fight some heavy infantry, I already killed all the ones I tested this on, so it may be a few days or so till I find/unlock another province with them to fight.


Hello, Valhalla.
Are you referring to any of the damage on the image? This is a screen of Swamp Monster attacking Axe Barbarian 2.
Attack Bonus of Swamp Monster is 30%
The damage on Barbarian 2 is only 10%
20% damage is lost somewhere

If not, could you tell me how to reproduce the bug ? Do I need to attack swamp monster with Axe 2 or be Attacked by Swamp monster?


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