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    Your Elvenar Team

Watch your Tournament Level 4 rewards


Some of mine are misbehaving - awarding lower amounts at the end of fighting that is indicated on the Province banner.


All I was getting was sanctuary shards so I quit. 48 darn sanctuary shards. oh joy! I'm ready for lvl 20.


I am having this problem, I will be on same level/round yet one tournament Province will give 4relics then the next one will only give 2relics (even though they but are the same level/round in both! I didn't know for sure but I was thinking "well that don't seem right" has anyone opened a support ticket about this yet? Because this is still happening to me currently!


At the end of the tournament, the rewards you often see are for the next level. But they give you the rewards for the current level. It is very confusing and it is a known bug on beta.


I have had 5 tournaments which was suppose to give 6 KP each yield zero


In a given round of the tournament, it seems that the first two provinces will have one kind of reward and additional provinces will have other rewards. It always seems worth doing 6 rounds of 2 provinces in any given tournament.