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    Your Elvenar Team

What is/are your most favourited building(s) in Elvenar?


Well-Known Member
You didn’t mention the fact that it’s also one of the prettiest evolving building.
Yes it is and it's got that romantic touch too. :)

I've just pulled my one and only Stonehenge out of my first-city's inventory just in order to screenshot it.
Back in the days I could manage to evolve it up to Stadium 4.

I really like it but since it is at Chapter 10 and I am at Chapter 17 it normally stays in my inventory.

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Well-Known Member
Since @ZeNSiErT showed his little collection of Trophy Buildings in this thread I felt like doing the same. So here is mine. ;)


The Blooming Trader Guild is intentionally placed exactly like this, when being animated it looks like the bee cannot really decide if it should take the right or the left way to fly past the Triumphal Column. ;)
Maybe some kind of symbol for my kind of playstyle?


Well-Known Member
Hello lovers of rare buildings,

I must admit that I once dreamed of having a city that only consists of summonings, event-buildings and especially them rare buildings that nowadays give RRs when sold.

Today I decided to give up my plan, simply because of the fact that I will never have enough RRs to upgrade them all.

Feels a little sad but will add some space to my cities and some RRs to my inventory. ;)

Today I will have to say "Goodbye and Farewell to the following beloved buildings in my beta-city.
It feels like a kind of burial of my own dream and it costs me tons of overcoming, but it will make it definetly easier to move on forward in game.




SuNaya Dark

Active Member
I'm about to go into Chapter 7 (Faeries).
Is Red Panda Master worth the investment in the Magic Academy? Or should I wait...

- SuNaya Dark


Well-Known Member
I'm about to go into Chapter 7 (Faeries).
Is Red Panda Master worth the investment in the Magic Academy? Or should I wait...

Hello, @SuNaya Dark I would say that the Red Panda Master in general is worth being placed.
It's feeding effect will help you through those Event-Quests that will be asking you for Vision Vapor.
Plus it provides some goods and if you use RRs on it it will give you Mana since evolved to woodelves-chapter.

I like it very much because it is helping to reach Mystical Objects faster when feeded.
My three biggest cities are having one fully evolved Red Pamda Master each, since the event in which it was first introduced back in the days.
And yes, I am still using RRs on it to keep them Pandas up to date. :)

Very important to know would be how much artifacts you've got to evolve that building?
I would always recommend to collect 9 artifacts first before placing the building.
This way you'll make sure to not use too much RRs on it. And If you sell or disentchant your building you'll have the chance of getting a new one from the actual chapter in crafting. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Third one which really met my taste is "The Burning Man", simply because he is "on fire", like me most of the time when I play Elvenar.

Very nice for a building collector like me to be able to win a new Burning Man in Season!

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New Member
Slightly not on topic, but I've been enjoying the placement of my trader right behind my level 15 Magic Dust factories:

Screen Shot 2024-08-07 at 1.50.10 PM.png

The still image doesn't quite do it justice - with the animation (and a bit of imagination!) it looks like the trader dragon is breathing out some sparkly dragon breath on the dust factory. Just makes me smile.


Well-Known Member
Ok I must admit that this happend randomly. While rearranging one of my cities for the next stage of the barracks,
I was "hiding" the Purring Sanctum behind my main hall and was very busy with puzzleing but as I took a second look at what I've done last I was pretty irritated first.
After that I recognized that it was looking like as if Amuns "Goblin Toy" was fixed to the main hall. :D



Well-Known Member
This one may be funny to some humans and elves too:


That Crab Hotel Deluxe is trying to convince me of replacing the Weeping Willow against a better building by slowly eating it up. :)
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