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Where are my wandering people


Well-Known Member
On both my cities I used to have people that just walked the paths. I always thought it was rather fun having them wander around. Did I miss a notice and this feature is now gone - or am I having a problem? Do you have to have a certain population level to have 'wanderers'?

ETA: I checked my FS and either I'm not able to see them or no one has any.
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@Calenmir, so when all that movement starts to give you a headache or freeze your system up again, you will remember why you did it....and then you will have a hard choice to make, wanderers or no wanderers


Well-Known Member
I really don't remember doing that - maybe the other day when they talked about player movement and I went in to check to see if I had my check mark on (because I wanted to be moved in my newest city). I know I looked but I DON'T remember changing the setting - but CLEARLY I did.

Anyway - I like my wanderers, so thanks to all for solving that problem!