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    Your Elvenar Team

Which Building(s) Do You Recommend for Mana and Seeds

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 4263769
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Deleted User - 4263769

Hi fellow forum members! Wanted to get opinions, ideas on mana and seed buildings. I want to know which have you placed that give you a decent amount of mana and seeds without taking too much room.

I find myself in chapter 15 and I need to make space lol Although I am not in a rush and to be honest I will probably PP the entire chapter, the demands are preposterous and I have lost the motivation to even deal with it hahahaha

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Hi fellow forum members! Wanted to get opinions, ideas on mana and seed buildings. I want to know which have you placed that give you a decent amount of mana and seeds without taking too much room.

I find myself in chapter 15 and I need to make space lol Although I am not in a rush and to be honest I will probably PP the entire chapter, the demands are preposterous and I have lost the motivation to even deal with it hahahaha

Chapter 15 cannot be done just with portal profits. You have to get past the Vault of Wisdom research first.

As for mana, a decently leveled Dragon Abbey and a good supply of enchantments will help a lot with mana.


Oh Wise One
If Lava Egg does not show up in the final 3 days of the event, Temple of Embers is a decent 2nd choice as a mana producer. Assuming it shows up. The list says it will, but data from Beta has not entirely been reliable this time due to changes. The Elvenar Trade Center AW will give you seeds. It is not as good for seed production on a space for space basis as a Festival Merchant, but ETC will also boost your Magical Manufacturing spells in both power and duration. If you are like me and are using MM spells to help make sentient goods, this is a very useful bonus.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
I will preface this with I do and always have spent on this game. That is 100% not necessary and the game can be played for free. (Now hopefully I won’t get jumped on!) You just need more patience than I have. As far as mana goes, almost every chapter has :diamond: premium :diamond: very nice mana buildings. I haven’t bought some because for whatever reason I didn’t like them but I have bought several. I think their output is good and I really enjoy their addition to the charm in my game.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
@Lelanya Prince Charming? He did not seem very efficient to me on a space for space basis. Did I miss something?
I have Prince Charming because he makes me smile, every time my eye falls on him. It sort of offsets the rather weird looking Manta Ray I forgot to mention. Also, I've had new members giggle when they see him, grooming himself. It's a building game, gotta have a little fun. :)


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I have Prince Charming because he makes me smile, every time my eye falls on him. It sort of offsets the rather weird looking Manta Ray I forgot to mention. Also, I've had new members giggle when they see him, grooming himself. It's a building game, gotta have a little fun. :)
It doesn't give mana or seeds, but I have carried my outhouses and big bathrooms through several chapters now for the sole reason that they make me laugh. A few royal restorations might also have been flushed down these "inefficient" buildings too, but I don't care! I am amused by the juvenile humor.

The Fairy

Scroll-Keeper, Buddy Fan Club Member
This works for me, but may not work for others!

For seeds my main source is my trader (MH fully upgraded, overscouting and working hard on my (fighting mainly) wonders makes my trader fairly efficient for seeds). 40 gum trees all at chapter 11 (the only chapter where they give seeds) with max set bonus help quite a lot too. And then I have some evolving buildings giving seeds.

For mana I have a level 16 DA, 36 mana plants (which are behind in chapters but all giving mana), a few moonstone gates (not for the mana itself, but to max out the set bonus of mana plants/gum trees that don't touch a library). And some evolving buildings.

So far I seem to do well with both mana and seeds most of the time, so I don't have any event buildings or other wonders than DA helping with this. I have the chess board, but think I will soon drop this.

Keeping my library set buildings at the right chapters makes me avoid producing dust, tree gum, moonstone and platinum. Unfortunately I still produce a lot of scrolls due to the libraries themselves :mad:


New Member
Prince Charming? He did not seem very efficient to me on a space for space basis. Did I miss something?

I found prince charming to be good. I got them in ch 9, where the otherwise recommended building is weeping willows. He's got twice the mana output of those. And I imagine he'd carry on being effective later on. Haven't checked though.
But in any case, he's a part of the past so probably somewhat irrelevant to talk about for what to do now :p


Oh Wise One
I found prince charming to be good. I got them in ch 9, where the otherwise recommended building is weeping willows. He's got twice the mana output of those. And I imagine he'd carry on being effective later on. Haven't checked though.
But in any case, he's a part of the past so probably somewhat irrelevant to talk about for what to do now :p
In Woodelves Prince Charming is indeed better than a Weeping Willow for mana production. But Prince Charming is not as good as a Festival Merchant for mana production.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
In Woodelves Prince Charming is indeed better than a Weeping Willow for mana production. But Prince Charming is not as good as a Festival Merchant for mana production.

Yeah, in chapter 9, you will take your mana anywhere you can get it, especially before you complete the research for the various mana buildings in the shop. And even into later chapters, most event buildings will give better mana than the buildings from the shop, and will mostly be smaller too.

The Fairy

Scroll-Keeper, Buddy Fan Club Member
Yeah, in chapter 9, you will take your mana anywhere you can get it, especially before you complete the research for the various mana buildings in the shop. And even into later chapters, most event buildings will give better mana than the buildings from the shop, and will mostly be smaller too.

Is there any culture buildings in the shop that are worth building? Just curious, cause I stopped looking there long time ago and only build them when for a quest and then I tear them down again afterwards. I always look in my inventory when I need culture/mana/seeds/.... buildings.


Well-Known Member
Is there any culture buildings in the shop that are worth building? Just curious, cause I stopped looking there long time ago and only build them when for a quest and then I tear them down again afterwards. I always look in my inventory when I need culture/mana/seeds/.... buildings.
Stuff unlocked via research is pretty much the baseline if you have nothing else available. Technically premium buildings are unlocked through research as well, but they and event buildings are almost always far better than anything else you can find in the build menu, assuming you're comparing stuff that's all from the same chapter.

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
If they ever show up again, Magical Mana Huts are game-changers for mana production.
However, as the devs seem to have a hate-on for the player base, we'll likely never see those again sadly. :(

For seeds, beyond the above mentioned like the craftable Festival Merchants, or things like the Golden Palace, etc..., keep an eye out during the Fall event for the Pond of Autumn, as again, it is a hyper efficient little 2x2 that is easy to tuck 10-12+ into a corner for optimal seed production. :)


Well-Known Member
@The Unbeliever
I already missed the nice Bears, now the Magical Mana Hut?! I have been waiting for those cute little huts ever since I found out what mana was. I even scoured my inventory hoping I had accidentally picked one up in ch 3 or something, but no such luck.

I hope you are wrong, but I fear you may not be. ::sigh::

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
@The Unbeliever
I already missed the nice Bears, now the Magical Mana Hut?! I have been waiting for those cute little huts ever since I found out what mana was. I even scoured my inventory hoping I had accidentally picked one up in ch 3 or something, but no such luck.

I hope you are wrong, but I fear you may not be. ::sigh::
Thankfully I managed a couple events between Fairies and Orks & Gobbos, so I have a small surplus of about 16-18 or so I can spend a bunch of RR's on. ;)

I do really feel for anyone who missed out on those events/FA's that gave out Mana Huts, since nothing else has come close to their level of production...
Lava Eggs are probably the closest, and perhaps an objectively better source, since as a 48hr collection, you can 'skip over' a day between collections if you choose to, and thus avoid the forced mana decay. :p