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    Your Elvenar Team

Feedback Whiskers of the Past


Tetris Master
I have happily been disenchanting my portal profits. I did have something like Henroo shows, but I'm now down to a few 10%s, and my 5%s. If the chapters are only released annually, I won't be rushing like I did Ch21. Absolutely they were useful before, but now that I'm end chapter, I'll disenchant them while I keep levelling wonders.

This type of dig/jungle maps is my least favourite. If you want more portal profits they come up as the daily prize on day 13 this time.


Well-Known Member
As far as this event I love the tunneling events, but the building does not appeal to me as compared to others. Size and low production values means that I will pass on this event

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
As far as this event I love the tunneling events, but the building does not appeal to me as compared to others. Size and low production values means that I will pass on this event

I see people mention the size a few times as why they do not like it, but are people just being bad at math? Do they see the 5 in the 5x3 size and think that makes it bigger than the standard 4x4 for evolving buildings, when in reality, it takes up one less square?


Well-Known Member
Do they see the 5 in the 5x3 size and think that makes it bigger than the standard 4x4 for evolving buildings, when in reality, it takes up one less square?
I don't know about this but maybe the definition of too big is sometimes based on the used grid and how easy the new building is going to fit in.
Perfect would maybe be getting the Purring Sanctum in the Constructs-Chapter, were it could be easily exchanged against a regular residence.
Like the good old standard 4x4 in the previous chapters. ;)

I am rearranging my cities a lot, simply because I like to but I know lots of players that don't like it that dynamic and don't like to puzzle as much as I do.

I like the Purring Sanctum, I've already placed it on beta and some of my Live-Cities, depending on how many artifacts they will get, will follow that example.
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Well-Known Member
I see people mention the size a few times as why they do not like it, but are people just being bad at math? Do they see the 5 in the 5x3 size and think that makes it bigger than the standard 4x4 for evolving buildings, when in reality, it takes up one less square?
For me the 4x4 is the key as I place most all in a row, for ease of collection.


Thinker of Ideas
I see people mention the size a few times as why they do not like it, but are people just being bad at math? Do they see the 5 in the 5x3 size and think that makes it bigger than the standard 4x4 for evolving buildings, when in reality, it takes up one less square?
Your point is fully valid on size. Its total square being smaller. I would guess that for some tho, it could be the shape layout of the squares. With so many evolving buildings now, most being 4x4, having one thats different can make placing them more of a challenge. Or just ruin a nice pretty layout style.

Honestly, i didnt even realize the size difference when i was thinking about it. When i saw 5x3 i actually compared it to my t3 factories. Which are currently 5x4. - Since i personally find most of this evolving buildings productions either worthless or not enough to jsutify placing this building... it was the t3 goods that grabs my attention the most. Its daily production of t3 goods is fairly equal to my t3 factory. Id have to run the numebrs more to be perfectly accurate on them, but in theory i could replace a t3 factory with this evolving building - match the goods production, and the small pop/cult bonus would just be extra. (So one less factory taking up pop/cult + EV building giveing pop/cult.)
Side note: The EV building is a once a day collection. That could be a positive or a negative depending on the person and the situation. I think ill stick with my factory.

As such my thinking for space taken up went to my t3 factories and not so much to the 5x3 vs 4x4.


Set Designer
I see people mention the size a few times as why they do not like it, but are people just being bad at math? Do they see the 5 in the 5x3 size and think that makes it bigger than the standard 4x4 for evolving buildings, when in reality, it takes up one less square?

Others might include road space and value it as 16.5 squares versus 18 squares for the 4x4. And yes there is dense production for the KP. It would take 9 carting libraries (18 squares or 22.5 squares if you factor road space) to get similar production. Many comments against the KP are due to it not being the limiting factor for wonder upgrades (the future might change that if even one KP dump was introduced). And the disenchant value may also wind up being an excellent production if the chapter 23 rumors are true in offering an AW which boosts disenchant value. This could easily wind up being a valuable building that was dismissed early on because of the present game balance factors.


Tetris Master
Yes, I'm also looking to build this one.
Regarding sizes, long slim is better than square for minimising roads, as you can then offset sizes in the road junctions.
Having a 5x3 means you can have this type of layout end of the road.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm also looking to build this one.
Regarding sizes, long slim is better than square for minimising roads, as you can then offset sizes in the road junctions.
Having a 5x3 means you can have this type of layout end of the road.
View attachment 17061
My city layout has the 4x4 bldgs all in rows and the same with my 3x3's just keeping uniform lines and not having to zig-zag around just to fit in 1 bldg.


Oh Wise One
Today's daily prize is the Amuni Ships which is 4x5 in size. It is the biggest building being offered in this event and will disenchant for 1200 spell fragments. If your city does not really need any more daily prize buildings and you are just looking for stuff to turn into frags, this is the best option in the current event.


Thinker of Ideas

There are a number of these this event. Didnt feel like copying them all over. But why the increase from 3? This is another rly annoying change. I jsut did the second and third floor of the spire. All of it. Grand total of ZERO catalysts. Zero full a full week. And thats fairly common sadly. It was a pain jsut getting the standard 3. Raising to 6 is just annoying.
And selling buildings for cat's i think is a fullish design idea. It would be incredibly stupid if we had to use event currency to get buildings in order to sell them just to get cats to finish a single quest.

Im not saying its impossible. Im saying its highly annoying and a time sink. 3 was enough. Making it higher is simply not called for.

This lack of cats in the spire is also one, of many, reasons why the aw upgrade change sucks so much... Many times have i poured a ton of troops, resources, and time into the spire and got ZERO cats for the whole week. ><
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Thinker of Ideas
Guilty. I got 246 CC this week from them.
i find that a tad hard to believe. Even with a lvl 10 tinlug, you still only get 1 cc per 5 tourney encounters. Getting 246 cc this week would require 1230 tourney provenances completed... so ima put that one in the 'proof or it didnt happen' category

They are probably increased because a lot of players have Tinlug and get extra CCs from the tournament when fed.
Thats even worse. What the point of trying to get something extra if it becomes a necessity? What about those that dont have it or couldnt get it or didnt place it? Prizes arnt prizes if they give them to us then change the game to make it necessary. Balance is one thing, but that kind of thinking will destroy the game.


Set Designer
i find that a tad hard to believe. Even with a lvl 10 tinlug, you still only get 1 cc per 5 tourney encounters. Getting 246 cc this week would require 1230 tourney provenances completed... so ima put that one in the 'proof or it didnt happen' category

205 tourney provinces doing 6 encounters each does it, which makes the total provinces completed to unlock 205 tourney provinces at around 1800, more than double what I currently have completed. However, if you look at the exact wording "from them" it suggests that more than one Tinlug was used.
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Oh Wise One
So I took my own advice and cashed in all of the event currency in my 3 big cities to win Amuni Ships to disenchant for frags. For reference, each city is on the quest lock and each has a fed Ashen Phoenix. But nothing else. Results were fairly consistent.

Khel won 17 Amuni Ships and has a total score of 204. Arrendyll won 18 Amuni Ships and has a score of 206. Winy won 12 Amuni Ships and has a score of 198. Each city is currently in gold league and I think each is easily on track to get to 260 before the event ends.

I didn't cash in my currency in my baby city. I'm fairly certain I can get it into Woodelves before the event ends. Once I get into Woodelves, I plan to use the re-roll feature and try to win some stuff to actually put into the city.

Count Rupert

Well-Known Member
i find that a tad hard to believe. Even with a lvl 10 tinlug, you still only get 1 cc per 5 tourney encounters. Getting 246 cc this week would require 1230 tourney provenances completed... so ima put that one in the 'proof or it didnt happen' category
I apologize, my math was incorrect. It was only a 148. I used the number of CCs I've gotten from all sources for the week. My bad. I have two level 10 Tinlug. I completed 62 provinces for all 6 rounds.