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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Wo+Men of Elvenar! In Search of Gold Spire Players!


Well-Known Member
We are a 10+ chest tournament fellowship and are NOW seeking new members who are dedicated to conquering the Spire every week for GOLD!

**2024 was a hard year for our group with several leaving the game due to the recent changes to the game and have been a real challenge, but our awesome peeps are active, and we are staying the course. **

We have a strong group of players, who are here and willing to help you grow your city. We are seeking like-minded, fun-loving, uplifting souls to join in our harmonious team. If you are a self-motivated, goal-oriented, active team player who enjoys all aspects of the game, come check us out!

If you have questions, we have answers! Please contact @LadyMercy @RainbowSKYEPIXIE in-game for more info. You can also contact us here!! Check us out! Thanks & Happy New Year!!