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    Your Elvenar Team

Wrong tournament type on Elcysandir


Well-Known Member
This week is the crystal tournament - except on US5 Elcysandir where we are repeating the Planks tournament. Why? Can it be fixed?


Well-Known Member
This week is the crystal tournament - except on US5 Elcysandir where we are repeating the Planks tournament. Why? Can it be fixed?
On Winyandor too. I did notice the similarity in troops, but failed to see why until I read this.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Thank goodness I'm in Arendyll!! What is happening to INNO? :oops:Everything is going bonkers!!
I agree... I had the most weird glitch a couple days ago. I started a thread about it but didn't bother to report it because I knew it would be unreproducible, like my last one was. It does seem there are a whole lot more glitches lately ... I fear for the next FA.


Shroom Aficionado
I agree... I had the most weird glitch a couple days ago. I started a thread about it but didn't bother to report it because I knew it would be unreproducible, like my last one was. It does seem there are a whole lot more glitches lately ... I fear for the next FA.
Good point Darielle. Everyone wants to participate in the FA. (More than usual). I just hope Elvenar's server doesn't crash.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
We need to get this fixed please. I need the crystal relics for my city in Winyandor.
Yes, and that is why the end of tournament rewards matter, @Silmaril, some players will be relying on those relics to have a functional chance of creating an adequate amount of Combine Catalyst spells. This will negatively impact some aspects of the Fellowship Adventures.

And this would be a good time to remind players that building up a large stock of relics is a great and very viable strategy. I personally will not be impacted by this change because  my goal is 1000+ relics of every type at the earliest possible opportunity. But not everyone is a resource hoarder. Lol . *seriously I learned how to play when there wasn't a tournament, and have seen many varieties of errors and mistakes, so I take nothing for granted.


Community Manager
Hey guys, just to confirm that we are unable to hotfix this, as that would cancel this week's Tournament entirely. As some players have already begun this, it would be unfair to strip all of the progress back and reset all worlds, not to mention not enough days left for it to run.
Instead, we will apply a fix just before next week's Tournament.

Taku Subway

New Member
Hey guys, just to confirm that we are unable to hotfix this, as that would cancel this week's Tournament entirely. As some players have already begun this, it would be unfair to strip all of the progress back and reset all worlds, not to mention not enough days left for it to run.
Instead, we will apply a fix just before next week's Tournament.
Can you confirm which Relics will be the next tourney? It affects how some players prepare. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Yes, and that is why the end of tournament rewards matter, @Silmaril, some players will be relying on those relics to have a functional chance of creating an adequate amount of Combine Catalyst spells. This will negatively impact some aspects of the Fellowship Adventures
Not just that or your later point of having large supplies of relics - I have an early chapter city that is boosted in crystal. I realize that the tournament format change makes it possible to get crystal relics in every tournament, but I was really counting on those final rewards to boost my boost. Early city = not a lot of tents in tournament = not a lot of relics overall = relics in tournament rewards are crucial, especially when it is a tournament for one of your boosted goods.
@Silmaril is there any update on @Taku Subway question regarding which tournament will be up when it is fixed after this one ends? Will it simply go on to Crystal or will it skip Crystal and go on to the one that it should be next week, the Scrolls tournament? It would be nice to know so we can prepare for which enemies will be most prevalent in the tournament. Especially with the thought there will most likely be an FA next week.

Thank you

Deleted User - 849777001

(I just entered the Forum from my Arendyll city) and when I completed my last round I verified that it was a Plank Tournament...I double checked to make sure.
I also checked before I started my final round in Elcy, and we were doing Planks there too.

I don't have a Beta Account.

I wonder how ElvenStats will report it :)


Well-Known Member
Continued/proactive bug report, @-Solaris- and @.Tiberius. : the tournament countdown timer currently showing on multiple worlds on the US servers has the next tournament scheduled to start 5 minutes before the hour rather than directly on the hour. Seems to me that that could lead to additional issues & complaints. Perhaps see if it can be fixed now, before the tournament starts in 2 days?


Active Member
We might have just finished our second Planks Tournament on Saturday but Elvenstats is reading it differently. According to their statistics we played Crystal. Curious to see how they were dealing with our double up, I checked the Tournament Chart and it reads Crystal.
Stop the giggling. I had a couple bad Tournaments that month.



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