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Can we win each daily prize more than once?


Question's in the title! If the daily price is Mosh Pit, can I spend tickets and win more than one? I feel like the UI is not clear on this.

Epic mosh pit! Or like, just a ton of wishing wells? Could be nice...


Well-Known Member
Yes you can.
During the time a daily Prize is running/active, you can spend all your "Tickets" to get the Daily Prize as many times as you're lucky enough to grab one :p

I got 12 WW last time. But they came up 2 times during the event. You can go for 1st of 2nd time, cause most of the Dailies will come up again.
@SoggyShorts is another who got a ton, funny how only remember him, lol
@kctanzen also got some

Good luck! :)


Ex-Team Member
Probably because he got a whole town and a garden of wishing well @HJK84 and he got pictures to prove it..ah!

But yes, you can win a daily more than twice :)