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Answered Spire rewards


Hi! I was wondering what happens to any rewards if any if I were to leave my current fellowship before the spire closes but have completed it already and beat the big boss?
Thanks in advanced,


Well-Known Member
Hello @Gaia7 when you leave the fellowship you're in before the spire closes, you will lose all fellowship-rewards apart from those who have already collected on yourself on the way to the top.

Even if you would have completed the spire you would not get any fellowship-rewards when you leave your current fs before the spire closes.

To claim all the fellowship-rewards dispayed to the right of the spire-bar graph, your fellowship will have to fill that purple bar graph up to the top.
Only If fellows succeed to finish the boss and that purple bar graph is filled to that point too, every fellow who made it up there get's maximally rewarded.

That's how it has to look like to get all the rewards:


Don't be confused about that score. Of course 1330 would be enough to unlock gold. ;)