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    Your Elvenar Team

Stuck in the Newly conquered Province.


In the world of Felandryl, if I finish a new Province in one go the game is stuck. No Awesome page with bangs and rewards. The only way to get out is by going back home or to the world again. I'm not sure if that means i am collecting my relics, knowledge points and ranks plus at all. Very frustrating.


I've had that happen too, it's a glitch. Normally you do get the rewards though anyway - you can check and see the new KP or relic on your city screen.


We're currently not able to reproduce this issue. Does it help to clear your cache memory and try again and do you experience this in multiple browsers?


No need to clear the cache (in my experience) because once you exit the province everything is normal, the province appears as finished.

I use Safari (or did till this week when it doesn't load Flash correctly).