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    Your Elvenar Team

Few People post any longer


Active Member
Actually I'd argue there has been a steady increase in the traffic of the forum, rather than a decline.

This comment does not represent the actual majority of the playerbase. In every format that has an external forum, the forum regulars de facto represent the vocal minority of the playerbase. Given the fact that it's virtually impossible to be in touch with the entire playerbase, it's always safe to assume the vast majority is happy with the direction of the game, otherwise there would be a steady decline in player numbers. That would be signified by drastic and numerous changes to the mechanics and nature of the entire game, rather than a slower approach of a patch every couple of weeks.

Keep in mind that the silent majority is the direct equivalent to a happy customer for every gaming company. Being happy or indifferent to the direction of the game signals the company to continue doing what it was previously doing, and rightfully so, since it works.

Malfiore, I very much like the quote you've used at the bottom of your comment. You and I were once neighbors on Wyn. You were the first player on the Wyn server, I think. Moloch was second. 'Funeralopolis' was your City name, if I remember correctly. I think your City disappeared from Wyn this past summer.

Most of the rest of this Post is for Inno's developers, and is not directed toward you, Malfiore. I started to answer you and all my frustrations with the game started spilling out. I've been away from the game for at least a couple of weeks - Real Life and a chronic illness have caused this. 2016 has been a very strange year for me. I get wordy when my illness flares up. It's just the way things work.

Move the Post if necessary, please, Moderators.

Most of what I say here has been said by other players already. I capitalize words for emphasis. Text is so easily misunderstood. I need to write about what I'm thinking, I guess because I have really cared about this game and the players I've met through it.

I disagree with you, Malfiore, about comment traffic on the forums being a sign that the vast majority of players are happy with the game. Many players don't write on the forums and most never will, but they message one another thru and off the game.

I agree, relatively new players are seemingly happy with the game, but early on, Elvenar focuses on Exploration. Players who've been around for a year or more are not such happy campers. I know a number of once highly ranked, enthusiastic Elvenar players who've quit the game completely. I'm not playing now and am deciding whether or not returning to Elvenar is worth my Time and Energy (and Money?) I was once highly ranked on Wyn and was working my way up the Aren ranks. I look like Alice in Wonderland, plunging down the Rabbit Hole (rankings) now. Ha!

I have a number of frustrations with this game I once loved ...

  • Diamond spending is probably first among my frustrations. Players spending their way through the Tech Tree and/ or replenishing Troops during Tournaments is a problem. Why explore and share your experiences with how you succeeded through some Branch of the Tree or whatever, with your fellow players when, 'Heck! I can just pull out my bank card and get past this!'? So, to be a top ranked player, you need to spend $$$$+ on Elvenar?! Thousands of Dollars, Euros etc ... yes, 'thousands' is the number I wrote. I know what I spent last month and it didn't make a dent in my progress thru the Tree or my ranking. I've known players who've spent a thousand Dollars in a month on Elvenar - one player told me how embarrassed they were when they realized they'd spent so much. eik.

    If they're spending Diamonds, advanced players don't have to communicate with one another to ask 'how did you do this?' Why Chat when you can just spend Diamonds to get thru a challenge? Early in the game - whether that was a year+ ago or now, Exploration and sharing experiences brought players together. I'm saying spending is killing enthusiasm for Elvenar. It is for me - there's no sharing of knowledge like there used to be. I've certainly spent more than I'd like to on this game! I'm hearing the same from other experienced players who care about the Exploration factor and are Achievers - those thinking of quitting and those who've quit already.
  • Update bugs happen with any software. I'm not concerned with this game problem so much. Inno seems to get to the nagging problems fairly quickly, even though some keep reappearing. They're BUGS afterall - ha! That's just part of software development in my Real World experience. Of course fixing a bug is important when it impacts the game, but most of 'em ... meh. Inno's pretty good about this, imo.
  • Weekly Tournaments are a problem. I know I don't want to fight all the time. I know many players who've quit Elvenar or are thinking of quitting - who don't want to fight nearly as much or as often as the Tournaments require. I'm actually pretty good at fighting, but I don't want to spend my Life Energy and Time in Tournaments! I'd join FoE if I wanted to fight - or join one of the tank or battleship war games or something. Blek, Inno! Fightin' ain't fun fer a lot of us play-yers, Inno! :rolleyes:

    Why, exactly, do players 'choose whether your focus will be on fighting or building factories' in the early Tech Tree? This may have been a development idea a long time ago, but it isn't the way Elvenar has worked since I joined in June 2015.
  • I enjoy the Contests. More, please!
  • I joined Elvenar to build a city and manage resources. Posts outside Elvenar on game evaluation sites, say all of Elvenar's cities wind up looking alike - well, they do, sadly. It's difficult to be unique except where players place buildings. I can get past the lack of uniqueness, at least for the most part. I can't get past the 'I want to run my City and manage resources as circumstances in my City change' idea, though. This is a problem. What happens in Elvenar at night? What happens when a natural disaster hits my City - like a big heavy snowstorm, flood or earthquake, for instance?!
  • I miss the fellowship and friendliness among players that used to exist in Fellowships. Requiring one another to do Visits every day has become a repetitive chore, is non-nonsensical and is becoming destructive to the game. These visits once allowed players to meet one another and watch each others Cities grow and change. The Visits helped build the Fellowships and camaraderie among players. Yes, the boosts for Supplies and Residences are great!

    But now, "if you can't 'be here for Visits every day, you're NOT welcome here anymore!" Players are being guilted by Fellowships into believing they have to be on the game every day for these Visits - even if player's Lives demand they can't be on the game every day. Good luck finding a fellowship that meets the needs of your City, but doesn't require daily Visits, too. Ouch! The effect of fewer Visits slows players down, but hey! Maybe they'll spend more Diamonds, eh?! idk

    There's something fundamentally wrong with this Daily Visit equation/ idea. Advanced players have grown past the need to visit other Fellowship players, but the nature of the Visits haven't grown with 'em. I don't have a quick solution for this, but I have been and am willing to continue, to think it through for a better solution suggestion - if anybody cares.

    Thankfully, there are Archmages and Mages who realize players have Lives to Live. Thank you, Varron, and others I won't mention here for privacy reasons.
I still love Elvenar's graphics. I would still like to play this game.
Time will tell ... for now, Real Life demands my attention.


Varron...fun bingo game...more fun drinking game. :)

Valtitude I agree with you on almost all accounts. I will say I am vary lucky to have only been in 3 fellowships, the first two didn't have enough advanced players that played as often as I do so I was unable to get trades very often. The fellowship i'm in now is great and they don't pressure people to play. They do ask players to play every couple days and if you are going to miss more than a couple days just let everyone know and you will still be a member when you get back.

Since I just joined the forums after playing for months it's sad to read the forums aren't as active now. For all that have helped newbies and put together the tips, trick, guides and other misc. help I thank you for those as I have read most of them and they have been tremendous help in playing Elvenar.


Quit your whining and do something about it. If you've been around since beta then start offering help to newbies. Give us direction, leadership and mentoring. For example, maybe you know shortcuts we don't, if so, share. This forum is as vibrant as you, the membership, makes it. I don't mean to upset anyone or step on anyone's toes, but what I've seen so far makes me of a mind to leave and never come back. That being said, I plan to give it a chance for a few weeks because I still have lots to learn and there is valuable info for me here. Honestly, I still haven't even decided if I'm going to continue playing this game. Is there anything I can do to help make things more interesting or exciting? I used to run a World of Warcraft forum that had over 100k active users so I have experience and expertise in both the gamer community and in gaming. Want to engage your gamers? Offer them something ingame that they can only get by registering and introducing themselves on the forums.

Well bless your heart... you just slammed me every which way till Sunday and know nothing about me. smiles. First. I do give help to newbies. all the time. So do most of the other long term forum members. Mykan and Varron have posted some incredible help for newbies that I could not hope to produce as i do not have the talent it takes. I help out in my fellowships in several ways. Just to point out... those of us who have been playing the game for a while.... have seen it go downhill, have seen the game we began change into something that is just not fun. However we have put so much time, effort, and some of us money into the game we keep hoping for something good to finally happen. i am not jaded. I am not a whiner. I am not usually a complainer. However, I do complain when players get jerked around by the game owners. And I think I have a right to do so. My suggestion to you, read the forums, all of them... spend some time on them and learn who the members are. Read the guides that have been produced, HEAR the problems players have encountered, then post a slam on me. smiles. It won't hurt me a bit for you to do so.


I have to add that the OP opinions do not represent the majority of the players that play Elvenar
Only a very small vocal minority that seem to dominate the forums because most of the real active players dont even look at the forums
The game isn't dead its not even anywhere close to the end
If you think they are done changing the game think again they are going to change it again and again and again .....................


I have to add that the OP opinions do not represent the majority of the players that play Elvenar
Only a very small vocal minority that seem to dominate the forums because most of the real active players dont even look at the forums
The game isn't dead its not even anywhere close to the end
If you think they are done changing the game think again they are going to change it again and again and again .....................

Is this why the number of players leaving is so high?Is this the reason the number of dead cities outnumber active players 10 to 1?

Funny how you few apologist use the word "active player" without wondering exactly where all these people are.Yes...the game will keep changing,and like every other MMO game that has failed and faded into the dust,the devs can keep pushing players away until you and the other 10 peeps on the US server can hudle together and rah rah cheer on the game alone.


  • I joined Elvenar to build a city and manage resources. Posts outside Elvenar on game evaluation sites, say all of Elvenar's cities wind up looking alike - well, they do, sadly. It's difficult to be unique except where players place buildings. I can get past the lack of uniqueness, at least for the most part. I can't get past the 'I want to run my City and manage resources as circumstances in my City change' idea, though. This is a problem. What happens in Elvenar at night? What happens when a natural disaster hits my City - like a big heavy snowstorm, flood or earthquake, for instance?!
That's why I joined Elvenar too. I like to build cities and manage resources. I don't like the regimentation that I see in so many cities. I want mine to look unique. I understand that as you advance, culture and population needs can hinder keeping a city looking pretty or looking like a cookie cutter copy of everyone else's city. I would love to keep my city looking "organic". I'd love to have a central park area or have "neighborhoods" and keep the industrial areas separate from the residential. I'm still fairly low level so I can do this to an extent. I dread reaching such a high level that I may feel forced to have dozens of this or that cultural building when aesthetically I'd prefer to have just one or two. I love the idea of "What happens in Elvenar at night?" or in the autumn or winter. Sadly I don't think that's in the scope of the game but when a game can include this, it's awesome. (Former player of Dark Ages of Camelot where we did have night and day.)
  • I miss the fellowship and friendliness among players that used to exist in Fellowships. Requiring one another to do Visits every day has become a repetitive chore, is non-nonsensical and is becoming destructive to the game. These visits once allowed players to meet one another and watch each others Cities grow and change. The Visits helped build the Fellowships and camaraderie among players. Yes, the boosts for Supplies and Residences are great!

    But now, "if you can't 'be here for Visits every day, you're NOT welcome here anymore!" Players are being guilted by Fellowships into believing they have to be on the game every day for these Visits - even if player's Lives demand they can't be on the game every day. Good luck finding a fellowship that meets the needs of your City, but doesn't require daily Visits, too. Ouch! The effect of fewer Visits slows players down, but hey! Maybe they'll spend more Diamonds, eh?! idk

    There's something fundamentally wrong with this Daily Visit equation/ idea. Advanced players have grown past the need to visit other Fellowship players, but the nature of the Visits haven't grown with 'em. I don't have a quick solution for this, but I have been and am willing to continue, to think it through for a better solution suggestion - if anybody cares.

    Thankfully, there are Archmages and Mages who realize players have Lives to Live.

Yes, the daily visits can be a grind for some. Having a Fellowship where the people actually communicate and share help is wonderful. I'm crazy enough to play in four worlds... In two of them I have great Fellowships where we do talk and help willingly. I'm a mage in one and will not get on people for not visiting every day or even for missing a week... I'm more likely to send them a personal message and ask if they're ok. We all have real lives and sometimes those lives include illness, trips out of town, work getting busier than usual, and not everyone has the time to do daily visits. Neither of my "good" Fellowships require daily ones anyway. I also belong to two really not great Fellowships. The only communication I have in one is talking across the room to my hubby who recruited me for the Fellowship. The other is even worse and I'm about to leave both (so is hubby) because I want a Fellowship that will provide the communication, help, and sense of camaraderie.

As for the forum itself, I think that only a fraction of players will ever think to come to the forum. I'm basing this on both this game and several other games I've played in the past, some of which, when I've asked a game friend if they'd checked their question/concern out at the forum would often reply. "What forum?" I don't think that the level of activity on a forum is an ideal indicator of how players feel about a game, simply because many just don't have an interest in forums. (for whatever that's worth)


Malfiore, I very much like the quote you've used at the bottom of your comment. You and I were once neighbors on Wyn. You were the first player on the Wyn server, I think. Moloch was second. 'Funeralopolis' was your City name, if I remember correctly. I think your City disappeared from Wyn this past summer.
Thank you, and that it correct, yes.
I disagree with you, Malfiore, about comment traffic on the forums being a sign that the vast majority of players are happy with the game. Many players don't write on the forums and most never will, but they message one another thru and off the game.
I didn't quite mean that. Opinions prevalent on public forums, reddits etc. will never be representative of the overall impression the vast majority of the playerbase has about the game, because forum regulars will forever be the vocal minority.

People who have a big following on the forums will always tilt the opinion of the public towards their views about the game. The very fact that this is a public forum with a certain amount of active users, is what ensures that the prevalent opinions will be the ones that belong to those with the biggest following.

Now, can I judge whether the prevalent opinions are right or wrong? Certainly not. But can anyone claim that a prevalent opinion on these forums represents the majority, if not all of the playerbase? Absolutely not.


Active Member
Forgive me if this has been mentioned already... But I think that part of the reason for the lack of people on the forum is partially to be blamed for the type of game this is. Elvenar is a very passive game. You do not HAVE to be in a fellowship. You do not HAVE to beg your FB friends fro help or to join. This is not the most social of games. You have to actually WANT to be social. Most of my fellowship are not on the forum, actually, I don't think any of them are. Yet they almost all play daily and we chat about everything from the game to our personal lives. So while they all enjoy the game they do not feel the need or have the time to be on the forums as well.
And if I am being perfectly honest. Some of us are turned off by the constant negativity. I come on to the forums to see what is new and upcoming. But I don't get into the debates and arguing that goes one about the game.


Now, can I judge whether the prevalent opinions are right or wrong? Certainly not. But can anyone claim that a prevalent opinion on these forums represents the majority, if not all of the playerbase? Absolutely not.

Some things, like, do you like the looks of the new level 19 magic academy, sure, I can see that there are lots of opinions about. No question.

Other things, like, do you like being hit in the face with a new requirement to negotiate a province with orcs when it will take you two more chapters to get to orcs.....I am going out on a limb here and say, I can pretty much guess what the entire player base feels about that. At least everyone that effects anyway.

I can pretty much guess what everyone here will think if they have to face the kinds of impossible battles we have on beta right now.

I pretty much know what most players will feel about the orc chapter. Sure, there are some who will say "oh goodie! Now I get to choose to either delete half my city or stay in this chapter for a year!" But not many. I know that some will be highly offended by the slavery aspect of that chapter, the pornographic building designs, the references to drugs, and the overall all look of a brown city. Some won't care. I can't say what the majority will think about it.


I know that some will be highly offended by the slavery aspect of that chapter, the pornographic building designs, the references to drugs, and the overall all look of a brown city.
Funny you mention it. This only was a problem among the vocal minority on the forum, and was originally brought up by one of the well-established members within the community, so it naturally found following as a point.

I, for one, respectfully, find it ridiculous to even consider being offended by the features of an online game, especially when you need to nitpick in order to draw a parallel between the game and a controvertial subject. The prevalence of social media almost guarantees that things will be sexualized, for instance, but perhaps we've grown so accustomed to everything being sexualized to increase sales numbers that subconciously we're vigorously trying to spot controversy even in the most irrelevant of places.

My assupmtion is, that since there has been no conversation over it aside from the select few who keep bringing it up, the vast majority of the players are indifferent to the features of the game which you perceive as controversial subjects, or simply don't even draw the parallel between the features of Elvenar and distribution of drugs. Again, drastic changes to the game would make apparent that there is dissatisfaction among the players when it comes to these specific features.


Exactly. As I said some, as in not all, as in not a majority. Some. To some this was such a highly offensive topic that they aren't even playing any more, so of course you won't hear from them. The stupidest part was, it didn't need to offend anyone. A simple re-write of the story, change the goblins controlling the orcs, change the psychoshrooms to another name, change selling orcs as goods and instead say orc tunics, and voila! no one is offended. You don't have to be horrible to anyone who has slavery in their family tree. You don't have to be horrible to people who have had their grandparents experimented on. You don't have to offend anyone who has drug abuse in their family tree, you don't have to offend recovering addicts. Sure, some people don't care about these issues. Some people have zero sensitivity to others in general. My point was that that is an issue that is a good example of your point that just because someone posted about an issue doesn't mean the majority of people feel that way. Certain groups of people will never be in the majority. Obviously.

Again, it was EASY to NOT offend anyone.
Simply changing a little text would have done it. What moron is so obstinate about their writing that they refuse to NOT hurt someone? Once you discover that something you say has hurt some people then change it. When some people tell you that they don't like the concept of slavery being bandied about in a game as if it were no big deal, then tweak the story! If what you wrote is being taken incorrectly, then make an edit or two. Why on earth not? When one parent tells you they don't want their kids playing a game that celebrates drug use, then listen. No matter who cares about the drug/slavery issues or not, you should care deeply that this place has writers that are so damn callous. I find it equally sad that there are players who would defend such callousness. No one needed to change any code. You didn't need to change how the game worked. Change a line of text or two. wth? WHY NOT? We make text changes ALL the time! Why defend not changing a line of text or two? Why defend slavery as a topic? Why defend drug use? Why defend experimenting on other races? Why on earth would you defend those topics? And why oh why would you defend hurting some people? If some people were reading it that way, then change what is written! Simple!

I don't know how many people are unhappy about this storyline, but I am 100% sure it isn't ONLY the people who brought it up in the forums. I know this because I have heard others who are unhappy about it but who haven't posted here.

But that is all an aside, that whole issue was an example of something that doesn't affect everyone. I was agreeing with you. Yes, some things do not affect the majority. It would be easy to look at that topic and know that. Most people don't think about the storyline here at all. Most people have never seen the wiki. And a lot of people just don't care about those issues as I said.

However, when you wake up and you could negotiate a province yesterday, and you cannot negotiate one today, that affects everyone playing the game at that point and it is easy to see that the majority of players facing that limitation will not be happy about it. You don't need to ask them all. You just need some common sense.

If they bring in the new battle design the way it is currently on beta, then the majority of people will be upset. That is the majority of people who battle on the world map. People who gave up fighting long ago won't care. I know this. I don't have to guess.

So sometimes, the things discussed in the forums DO affect the majority of players whether they are here saying them here or not. It is just as foolish to assume that the forums couldn't possibly be talking about something that everyone IS upset about.
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So sometimes, the things discussed in the forums DO affect the majority of players whether they are here saying them here or not. It is just as foolish to assume that the forums couldn't possibly be talking about something that everyone IS upset about.

This is very true. I've seen far too many times that a large number of players will be upset about something they find offensive in a game but only a very small percentage will bother to come to a game forum to complain. The others will simply stop playing the game.


Bobbykitty - you are so on point....why can't Malfoy comprehend [ or whatever his/her name is]? If someone says they are offended...then they are! Who cares if you are not except for yourself. Then don't be offended and let those that are be.


Again, it was EASY to NOT offend anyone.
Actually, that's the hardest part. The disappointed vocal minority will always be critical and offended by something. It's virtually impossible to have everyone be happy with the end product; there will always be people who are offended or bothered by features in the game.
Why defend not changing a line of text or two? Why defend slavery as a topic? Why defend drug use? Why defend experimenting on other races? Why on earth would you defend those topics?
Because they are not defending slavery, drug abuse or experimentation on people. You are free to perceive the features of the game however you like. In every case, only the individual who perceives the concepts as such thinks the company is promoting said concepts. It doesn't mean it's true just because they belive it. But do you honestly think a Germany-based company would willingly promote experimentation on subjects through their online game?
If some people were reading it that way, then change what is written! Simple!
You wouldn't spend resources to change what bothers 1 in every 100 people. If it doesn't actively affect the state of the game, it means not enough people share the same opinion, therefore there is no need for any changes.
The others will simply stop playing the game.
Or keep playing the game, depending on how you look at it. Always assume that the happy customers are a lot more than the disappointed ones.
why can't Malfoy comprehend [ or whatever his/her name is]? If someone says they are offended...then they are! Who cares if you are not except for yourself. Then don't be offended and let those that are be.
Malfiore, please.
But I don't care whether they are offended. The company doesn't either, and rightfully so, since it's obvious it's not an actual problem within the community, on the scale that it would actively threaten the state of the game.


...... Inno is a German based company.......?

I think I feel sick to my stomach now. I could ignore the whole orc slaves thing, because I don't even pay attention to the storyline since I stopped at the Magic Academy quest and don't read the wiki, but the idea of a German based company making a city building game where the Goblins teach you how to enslave the orcs with magic mushrooms to build your city and help you is kind of sickening.

Edit: I think it does affect the state of the game. As Bobbykitty said, most people don't take to the forums to protest something they find disgusting. They just quit. I've seen fellowship members' participation drop, and one fellowship member even asked me outright "we have slaves now?" before quitting.

Just because it isn't announced on the forum doesn't mean it isn't there. In fact, a few months after orcs were released, I'm guessing you won't see anyone else saying they're quitting because of the orc slaves because the people who would quit over that are already gone.

I've stopped posting here so much because it feels like my opinions are ignored. A friend and I were talking in Elvenar chat about how pornographic the buildings looked. Apparently they took their opinions here to the forum to try to report that the buildings look inappropriate, and they were banned for saying that.

I'm generally disgusted by the fact that it's okay for the devs to put illegal substances and pornography in the game, but it's not okay for us to talk about illegal substances or pornography here. Even in the context of pointing out that they've introduced these things which shouldn't be talked about here into the game. I've said it before, and I will say it again, I feel like I'm staring at the emperor with no clothes, in fear of being executed if I point out his unclothed state, because others have already been punished for saying that.
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Because they are not defending slavery, drug abuse or experimentation on people. You are free to perceive the features of the game however you like. In every case, only the individual who perceives the concepts as such thinks the company is promoting said concepts. It doesn't mean it's true just because they belive it. But do you honestly think a Germany-based company would willingly promote experimentation on subjects through their online game?

Shockingly, it appears so. (And if Inno isn't willingly doing this, then they need to fire their story writers or fire the people who were notified of it and refused to do anything about it).

" Goblins are malicious and mischievous and their full purpose is cultivating mysterious mushrooms they can do genius experiments with, to later use on ... the Orcs!"

"Goblins will provide you the knowledge and resources to control those muscled creatures: magic and powerful mushrooms are the key!"

"But despite all the mess, the stinky smells and a bit of destruction, once the Goblins teach you the magic ways to control them [the orcs], they will also help you to grow your city, providing you muscular power to upgrade your buildings and expand your city even further!"

"One thing you must know about the Orcs: they can barely speak ... they mostly grunt, but they are incredibly strong, so you can use their brute force into your advantage to grow your city even further. You just need to find a way to .... let's say ... manipulate them!"


(emphasis added)

So, we have the goblins who are "malicious and mischievous" and they cultivate psychoshrooms so they can do genius experiments with these drugs to use ON the orcs. And why do they do this? So that you can use the newly controlled creatures for their muscles so they will grow our buildings. We just need to find the way to ....let's say....manipulate them! (exclamation point....yes, the exclamation point is theirs...and so are the words "let's say and manipulate").

I am perceiving this story because this IS the story. No one created this back story except the devs. The only reason more people aren't upset about it is because so few read the wiki.

Why put slavery and drug use and experimentation on subjects in a game, and yes, especially because you are a German company? (though I was trying so hard not to go there) Again, I ask the question....why not simply change it? Once someone realizes the parallels to some exceedingly disturbing history (intended or not), then change it! OMG. It isn't that hard. And it is SO offensive.

And the people who haven't read the wiki know that we trade ORCS themselves as goods now. We have a "breeding grounds" for heaven's sake. Where we make orcs to be drugged with psychoshrooms so they will provide us with the muscular power to upgrade our buildings and where we make orcs that we can trade along with our other goods in provinces.

The only people who don't see this aren't reading, because words have meaning, and these words that they used are talking about drugs and slavery and experimentation on beings. They mean that because those words said that!

Slavery: using the labor of another against their will. Slavery, bondage, servitude refer to involuntary subjection to another or others. Slavery emphasizes the idea of control by a master.

Drug: substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

psycho-: indicating the mind or psychological or mental processes

Experimenting on beings: well...let's say....experimenting on beings.

You wouldn't spend resources to change what bothers 1 in every 100 people.

If one in a million was bothered by that I would change it. It is an offensive and disgusting story line. And resources? You have FREE resources. Thousands of us right HERE. We all were trying to tweak this story. They actively resisted any tweaking. They couldn't even call them orc tunics as the things we trade in the provinces instead of the orcs themselves. You can't add a word? Obviously they can. We have a whole section of the forums for text errors.

...... Inno is a German based company.......?

I think I feel sick to my stomach now.

Exactly the point. Sure, some people may have noticed things faster than others have, but once others see it too, it is gross!

(And have you SEEN the level 19 magic dust factory?)
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