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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes version 0.21 and Fellowships


I have a hunch that private trades would go against the development path for this game. From what I've seen so far, it's supposed to be an economic strategy game, and coping with an open market system is one element of that. With that said, try this strategy:

PlayerA wants to trade 1000 Crystal to PlayerB for 1000 Silk.
A and B message each other to agree on the trade.
A posts a trade offer of 200 Crystal for 800 Silk.
B posts a trade offer of 200 Silk for 800 Crystal.
Chances are, everyone else is going to ignore those 0-star trades, allowing the arranged exchange of goods to proceed.


Yeah in till one dont follow up with a trade and rips you off. I would advise to really know the people you do that trick with.


It's a social game - renegging on trade agreements would obviously result in an appropriate response such as being removed from the fellowship and blacklisted. That's a high enough cost that it should keep just about anyone in line.


Its a good idea but that person would have to prove he didnt get the trade. On that note what if someone did and didnt like the person but say they didnt get the trade? It is a good idea and if you know the person good go for it. I wouldnt take that chance though.


well if they do to you and you report it to your fellowship you wouldn't need proof for long because people like that will try to do it again and others would report as well.


Never under estimate the power of a jerk. It is a idea to get away with personal trades.


Jerks will be jerks. That's why the support team reserves the right to ban any user, for any reason.


I was just informed that my work with in a "fellowship" (ie, visiting, trading) were being monitored. Just how are they doing this? I wasn't informed of this ability, it was a little unnerving. I then received a semi threatening note that I would be removed from they're rolls if I didn't improve my "visitation". I'm wondering how they are "monitoring" because I play daily and visit the multitude everyday, except for the days when some of my neighbors were among the missing. I love the concept but as with any new thing there are bumps.


If you plow through the Notification log, it's in your profile on the upper left of the screen, you can see
  • who has accepted your trades
  • who has visited your city
  • and a few other details about fellowship activities
If you click on the shield, you'll also be able to read how your Fellowship is presenting itself to the world. If they state, outright, that they expect daily visits and trades, it would be a simple matter for a couple of the Fellowship Officers to monitor who visits THEIR cities, and extrapolate, and if they're tracking your underlying score they can tell if you've been upgrading your city.

You're not in a Fellowship in US1, but in US2 your Fellowship profile merely says "stay active and helpful" which probably doesn't mean daily visits.

To the point, a Fellowship is a group of up to 25 players who have banded together for mutual benefit, and if you're not comfortable with what's expected, then you need to think about finding a group that's a better fit for your preferred playing style.


I have some feedback on the member controls for the Archmage in fellowships. When you right-click each member name on the list, you have a drop-down menu. At the top is "Send Message", under that is "Visit", and underneath that is "Expel Member".

These controls are very close together. If you were playing Elvinar after a few glasses of wine, or if you were very tired, you could easily expel a fellowship member when you only meant to visit them. I haven't ever deliberately clicked "Expel Member" so I don't know if there is an "Are you sure you want to expel this member?" dialog box. Is there such an are you sure message? There should be one, just because "Expel Member" is right underneath "Visit" (see screen shot). And we usually do visit each other every day. It's not polite to throw someone out of a fellowship for no reason, even if it was by accident.

Please can anyone tell me if such a dialog box is in place, to stop us accidentally expelling people from our fellowships... thanks,

Kind regards, Arquintha.


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Thanks Frostwyrm. I had these previously posted but they seem to have been buried in a thread somewhere.

I will post these shortly under FAQ's so they are easily accessible and as soon as the list is complete, they will be added to the Wiki as well.