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    Your Elvenar Team

Join us in our Fellowship Adventures!

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Well-Known Member
Is it possible to have the hours remaining instead of days? It would be very helpful to have the hours counting down from about the 72 hr mark so you can better judge when to start and stop making long term badges. Thanks

Agree with this. How come the timer only displays 'days' remaining when every other event and the tournament as well displays hours and minutes? It being so vague isn't very helpful, especially for something that requires so much coordination and planning. Hoping this gets fixed for the next Adventure that's available!


Just wanted to say I really enjoyed this, and our FS (Forged in Fire on Elyc) I think had a lot of fun. Spending diamonds wasn't necessary ... we just have some great communication and active/great players. We were able to complete all paths on all stages, are currently at the pit, and will definitely finish in the top 2 on the server (15,650 points as of the posting of this message). The awesome thing on top of that ... we'll STILL also get 10 chests on the tournament this week, which is amazing :).

The key - coordination. Also, to do well, its easy to tear down (rebuildable) culture buildings to make room for workshops or sets of T1 manufactories. We had several players tear down several Willows and others tear down a lot of the orc mushroom farm things for the duration of the event.

Fellowships that do well in Tournaments are likely to do well in FA ... just because by nature those FS have active, engaged members that already coordinate a lot. For example, our FS usually gets 10 chests 6 out of every 9 tournaments, and always at least 9. We had almost 100% full participation from FS members, even some that didn't have room to put in a lot of extra buildings or play only once a twice a day. The only exception was due to an emergency and was offline, and others had to evacuate due to the hurricane.

The cycling between badges was annoying, but it really wasn't that bad. Is there a better way? I'm sure. Worth really complaining over? Not in my personal opinion.

I did enjoy it and look forward to others ... just not very frequently, since its *very* draining ;).


Well-Known Member
Is it correct that the Adventures will be ending at 6pm EST today (Saturday)? I think I had read that somewhere in a Forum post, but I wanted to confirm because many of my FS members are asking.
Oh, and the above response says it will be a monthly event? Originally I heard it was to be weekly. I am glad if it is not!


Is it correct that the Adventures will be ending at 6pm EST today (Saturday)? I think I had read that somewhere in a Forum post, but I wanted to confirm because many of my FS members are asking.

Yes, that's my understanding, at least ... 6pm game/chat time on Sunday.


Could someone quickly confirm if this is correct? (I've been trying to find the info somewhere in this thread, but have had no luck)

The Bottomless Pit works like this:
1st round: 3 x Dwarven, 3 x Treant, 3 x Bakers
2nd round: 3 x Carpenters, 3 x Farmers, 3 x Blacksmith
3rd round: 3 x Flacon, 3 x Bracelet, 3 x Necklace

Right?! Thank you!


Could someone quickly confirm if this is correct? (I've been trying to find the info somewhere in this thread, but have had no luck)

The Bottomless Pit works like this:
1st round: 3 x Dwarven, 3 x Treant, 3 x Bakers
2nd round: 3 x Carpenters, 3 x Farmers, 3 x Blacksmith
3rd round: 3 x Flacon, 3 x Bracelet, 3 x Necklace

Right?! Thank you!

Yes, I can confirm. And after 3rd round it repeats back with the 1st.

Oh Gosh! We were all thinking that it ended tonight!!! I better let all my FS know!

Yeah, time communication has been absolutely terrible. 1d means >1d but <2d ... at least that's what my understanding is, currently.


OK... here's a suggestion for it the devs totally do not want to go to a drop down menu for the quests which would make things easier for everyone and a lot less painful for those of us with arthritis and repetitive stress problems. If we can't have a drop down menu, how about doing something logical and making the top quest icon be for the items produced in the workshops only and the second icon be for the items produced in the T1 factories only? At least that way it would limit the number of quests we'd have to cycle through to get to a specific one. (and not have to deal with the flakiness of the one we're currently cycling through jumping from the top to the second position and back again... What The Heck??? Who came up with that bit of insanity? :confused: )


Well-Known Member
Elvenar - Customer Support New2017-09-09 14:13:44
Hello Laochra,

Thank you for contacting the Elvenar Support Team.

We're happy to help you with your question.

Yes, the counter will switch to hours once it is less than one day. The event will end around 6pm Eastern time on Sunday, when the counter reaches 0.

We hope this helps to clear up any questions that you might have. Do please get in touch again should you encounter any others!

Kind regards,

In-Game Support


Mathematician par Excellence
Is it possible to have the hours remaining instead of days?

Yep, I would say it is possible.;)


Any changes from Beta? Especially the quest cycling could use improvement.
As is,
  1. You decline however many until you get to the groceries quest,
  2. set 15 workshops to groceries overnight,
  3. collect 5 in the morning, completing the quest
  4. decline 9 quests in a row to get back to the groceries (farmers badge)
  5. hand in 5 completing the quest again.
  6. decline 9 quests in a row to get back to the groceries (farmers badge)
  7. hand in 5 completing the quest again.

This gets very tedious if you are between chapters and build 20-25 workshops to help out.
If not a new system, then at least having the quest default to the same one you just completed would help remove steps 4 and 6 above.
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