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    Your Elvenar Team

Release Notes version 1.39


New Member
I have to say since the last patch/upgrade I have been having to restart more often. between the game locking up to the screen getting all wonky. as for the supposed upgrade.... To me it isn't an upgrade... as the way it was when you got something with every visit. it was nice knowing you would get something when visited with those that haven't visited you. I am debating if it is even worth playing the game... Everyone I have talked to pretty much agrees that it is a downgrade. I sold it back in one city, the other cities that I have the CL/BS I am not seeing the chests when I visit, and I am not getting goods of all my boosted manufactures .


New Member
In fact, I now no longer visit anyone outside my FS since I dont need the coins, nor the supplies, so there is no reason for me to visit anyone anymore. And Ive noticed some others doing the same.
So this change has only greatly REDUCED the number of visits
I am with you there... the only ones I visit with outside my fellowship are the ones with the gold helping hands......


You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???

I really don't understand the top level players coming here with all thier top level manufactories and saying it hurts them?? No it doesn't. Where in the tech tree do you see anything that is over 20,000 goods, nothing. You don't need those goods and you know it and you are just hoarding.

The battlesystem changes took place over a year ago now, so everyone should be able to fight (minus the low level players, DEVS, FIX THIS!!!) So with at least 3 or more chapters, you should have been able to align your city to make it playable again. If you didn't, that's on you. The military improvements from those ancient wonders have helped to save more goods than the CL/BS could have ever hoped to produce.

Once you get to your first guest race chapter you will see how little your goods are needed. You need guest race goods. These can't be bought, can't be traded for and can only be produced in thier corresponding buildings. This means your manufactories will produce goods you never need. So you can always help out everyone, only if you want to, the change in the CL/BS will not ever make a difference!

If you can't take a new players trade, it's only because you don't want to and if that is you, quit now. Your CL/BS never produced the amount of goods a manufactory does, so you never relied on it :)


Active Member
View attachment 2480
We now have 2 top Fellowships withholding purchases of diamonds in Arendyll and would welcome further support for our protest.

Our Fellowship description now reads -

During October 2017 our players will not be purchasing or using diamonds as a protest regarding the changes to Lighthouse & Bell Tower AWs. Support and developers have failed to respond to the genuine concerns of a high volume of players in beta and the live forum regarding these changes.

The changes will reduce the volume of goods received by all active players who visit more than 30 Fellowship members and/or Neighbours each day. This will have the effect of reducing neighbourhood visits significantly as the benefits disappear. It will also have an effect on the ability to participate in tournaments and negotiating provinces. The value which players have invested in these AWs have been taken resulting in that investment now being almost worthless.

Inno - PLEASE PLEASE reconsider this change as it is blatantly unfair.

We encourage other Fellowships to join our protest.
What aggravates me the most is not listening what players have to say.What everybody is missing here is that we are not listen to, nor do they care what players have to say.You can make it about diamond players or not, but the bottom line is from the past pages there is a 95% of players whom are not satisfied with the change. You think, by now, somebody should listen.Protest it is...


What aggravates me the most is not listening what players have to say.What everybody is missing here is that we are not listen to, nor do they care what players have to say.You can make it about diamond players or not, but the bottom line is from the past pages there is a 95% of players whom are not satisfied with the change. You think, by now, somebody should listen.Protest it is...

Meggi, protest... That is comical to say the lest. You and most of your fellowship are at the end of the game. You have nothing to spend diamonds on, this is a perfect opportunity to stage a protest. You really don't mean it unless you decline the Elementals housing upgrades :D



kayleegrrl - you've said some very interesting things in the forums, you are quite insightful, but this? I've cut and pasted your entire post #203 and will refer to it in the future when the so-called big "rebalancing of the game", "better system" is finally upon us. I'd like you to start a new city as a human and see if you feel the same (and don't buy diamonds either!). I am at the end of the Dwarf Chap, KP locked (3rd time in this chapter, using as guides both gamersgems and Mykans), but because of the events, tournaments & my own growth, I need goods now more than ever!! The high level players in our Fellowship, as well as in my neighborhood, are a godsend and glad they are able to hoard as they pick up all my trades. I wish you well. "Áva uenyalë nalvë torni, i Morco, i Lócë. Uo polilvë carë ambë lá ilya we cé pollë."


Highly unimpressed with the change to CL & BS. Why? I use to visit 30-130 neighbors a day. At this point, I'll only visit those who I receive supplies for visiting, unless I need coins. But typically I rarely need coins. Making it easier and easier to walk away from this game.


The entire time I have played this game, I have never posted a 2 star trade. I have always posted at a 10% discount, no matter what it is. Oh and I did start up a human city and got it to chapter 5 in less than a month! If youj are running out of goods due to tournaments, you are trying to do more than you are capable of, same goes for provinces. If you manage your city wisely ( trust me this is a management game, not a building game) You will learn the best way to produce resources :)

Deleted User - 1528929

The entire time I have played this game, I have never posted a 2 star trade. I have always posted at a 10% discount, no matter what it is. Oh and I did start up a human city and got it to chapter 5 in less than a month! If youj are running out of goods due to tournaments, you are trying to do more than you are capable of, same goes for provinces. If you manage your city wisely ( trust me this is a management game, not a building game) You will learn the best way to produce resources :)

How do you ever excel if you do not 'try(ing) to do more than you are capable of"? I guess you are happy being a mediocre tourney player. I'm not. I'm not happy with being mediocre at anything I attempt, and I often attempt more than I have ever before been capable of. I pity you.


You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???
It is much better to implement the new system first. Then a week later state that the CL/BS has become too powerful because of the recent change and nerf it. They can even plan the entire thing in advance and have all the code written. The point is to let players see that it needs to be nerfed and that the new system is a reality and not just an unfilled promise of something to come.

What Inno did is the exact opposite, and that is the problem.

Inno nerfed the wonder before implementing the new system that would require the nerf. The new system is just a dream until players see it and that system isn't even in beta yet, so there was no need to implement the nerf. Then to make matters worse Inno declares this nerf an improvement.

Blatant deceit always irritates people.

They state that the majority of players are benefiting. Because all the highly active players report that this change is detrimental to them, the only way to consider Inno's statement as truthful is to believe that the majority of players are not very active. While I might believe that, the change affects a very specific activity which even less active players could have scheduled a single longer active period to perform. The only way I can see the change benefiting the majority of players is if they included completely inactive players when figuring their statistics.

Inno is supposed to be awesome at doing player metrics, but in this case they are either failing to properly calculate the effect or are lying through their teeth. I am glad that some of the top players are calling BS and refusing to spend more money.
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Mathematician par Excellence
You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???
It's about timing and communication.

Most players don't even know about the mobile app, and certainly aren't expecting inno to launch a new faster way to do visits this year. (Before or after blueprints get a free user purpose?)
Even if we are giving inno the benefit of the doubt, and the reason for the nerf is that visits are going to become much faster, why don't they say that? Why not wait with the nerf until a date is set for that? Why hasn't there been a single post from anyone at inno, even at the volunteer mod level?
You don't need those goods and you know it and you are just hoarding.
Your position that the goods aren't that important, or that players shouldn't rely on them cuts both ways as well:
If the goods aren't a big deal, then why the nerf? It certainly isn't to encourage more visits like they said. No one (even at inno) could seriously think that players normally not doing enough visits to get 3 chests a day have been inspired to build and level a lighthouse to start doing the required 5-7 visits for getting 3 chests. Even if that did happen, how many of those players does it take to make up for just 1 late game player who drops down to ~30 visits?
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Oh Wise One
You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???

I really don't understand the top level players coming here with all thier top level manufactories and saying it hurts them?? No it doesn't. Where in the tech tree do you see anything that is over 20,000 goods, nothing. You don't need those goods and you know it and you are just hoarding.

I think the part about a step in a larger change has been messed up in the communication. From some comments in support tickets and such I have wondered if this is what it refers to but is vague and unclear which is adding to peoples angst.

As to the goods someone demonstrated that with a lot of factories the wonder produced 40% of their goods. While I don't know what that specific player used the goods for I know a lot of top players use goods to negotiate in tournaments. That has a dramatic impact on someone's ability to work through tournaments. I think the amount produced does however point to the issue Inno had with the wonder and trying to balance it between players.

What aggravates me the most is not listening what players have to say.What everybody is missing here is that we are not listen to, nor do they care what players have to say.You can make it about diamond players or not, but the bottom line is from the past pages there is a 95% of players whom are not satisfied with the change. You think, by now, somebody should listen.Protest it is...

From my experience they do listen but you have to be ultra patient and sometimes wait months before you get evidence of it. A number of past things in terms of battle help/hints in-game came from players or more recently the wholesaler. We don't always like the answer or how our feedback was used but we do see signs of it getting through.


Oh Wise One
You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???
The second change. The first was in March. And the second change should not have been so heavy handed. If their reference document for the Ancient Wonder balancing was reasonably well executed, any changes after the first should have been relatively light touches, and based on the the principle that it is easier to give than to take away.


Well after your so called update, Most of my worlds LOST their chat. Oh the window comes up but it won't connect. As far as your update fix goes for the chat arrow, I never had a problem with it until after the update. Now not only will it not connect, & no satisfaction from Support, but I can be on the LEFT hand side of the screen & the chat window on the RIGHT hand side of the screen will open on its own. My recommendation is BEFORE you release an update make sure the bugs you are fixing have been corrected. I've been playing this game for a little over a year and have seen it going downhill, including taking over a month to move a city when only 1 player is left in a discovered area. I'd give a very poor rating based on that.


You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???

I really don't understand the top level players coming here with all thier top level manufactories and saying it hurts them?? No it doesn't. Where in the tech tree do you see anything that is over 20,000 goods, nothing. You don't need those goods and you know it and you are just hoarding.

The battlesystem changes took place over a year ago now, so everyone should be able to fight (minus the low level players, DEVS, FIX THIS!!!) So with at least 3 or more chapters, you should have been able to align your city to make it playable again. If you didn't, that's on you. The military improvements from those ancient wonders have helped to save more goods than the CL/BS could have ever hoped to produce.

Once you get to your first guest race chapter you will see how little your goods are needed. You need guest race goods. These can't be bought, can't be traded for and can only be produced in thier corresponding buildings. This means your manufactories will produce goods you never need. So you can always help out everyone, only if you want to, the change in the CL/BS will not ever make a difference!

If you can't take a new players trade, it's only because you don't want to and if that is you, quit now. Your CL/BS never produced the amount of goods a manufactory does, so you never relied on it :)

This being one step in yet another change is mostly speculation. And there is no reason to assume that the next change will be beneficial.

BS since the goods arent only used for unlocking tech, but for upgrading buildings, negotiations, tournaments, events and buying KPs as well
As for being able to fight, again, nope, not when you are 'too far out'

And I must say you really begin to annoy me by stating that because YOU dont rely on those goods nobody else does either.
I loose a good 100.000 goods a week. So if you tell me that means I still have the same ability to trade you obviously seem to have missed math classes.

Btw, yes I hoard. But I do so for a very specific reason. I'm at the end of the techtree. And just like the last 3 chapters where I was at the end of the techtree, I hoard goods, because when the next chapter comes out, I want to be able to enter it as fast as I can, so I pretty much buy the KP to go through the advanced scouts, meaning I burn up a million or 2 in goods easily, if not more.
So my hoarding is not just to hoard, its to anticipate.
Whether you like that, or deem it necessary or not has no meaning at all. Nobody needs to play the game your way, which you seem to be convinced they should
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You're being or actually are pretty dramatic if this change is a game-breaker for you. NH still has benefits, does it not? This AW still provides a benefit for having it, does it not? If you think the majority of players who perform NH every day only do so because of a nominal goods bonus they receive from an AW, you'd be patently wrong in your thinking. I don't even need server data to be able to confidently state this. You're just glossing over all of the reasoned-out, objective arguments people are making against the emotional outbursts, like yours, that people are making about this change. @LordBrian is a great game player as well, but I unfortunately don't admire that exchange he had with support, either - the buildup to stating a diamond boycott over a change to an AW, to me, seems pretty childish. There's much, much more to the game than a single bonus on a single AW and players trying to put this much emphasis on it really should take a BIG step back and remember that.

It's interesting to me how nobody seemed put off at all when it first swung too far in the other direction and this AW bonus was first increased from the original version (along with increases to a lot of other AW bonuses). Why is that? It doesn't matter if something's bad or if something's good...game balance is game balance and that's what's important. In this regard, even the original version of the AW was unbalanced in a negative way because it had the same 'unlimited' bonus, the numbers were just far smaller. Now, it's something much easier to analyze and balance around.

Also, something that bears emphasis is that the devs are not 'ignoring' anyone simply because you're not able to stamp your feet and have them make changes to the game. They have access to data that we as players can never hope to see, so yes, they can definitely make informed decisions based on what players are doing and you can't simply gloss over that fact. If they say a certain trend among players is true, then that's because they have data indicating it.
No need for name calling like dramatic and childish, It appears to me you have the verbal skill to get your point across without attempting to belittle players who have a right to their own opinions. I agree with LordBrian 100%. Fortunately we are not 3 year olds stamping our feet but adults who are capable of coming to conclusions and making decisions. Your bullying tactics will not influence our opinions or decisions


Buddy Fan Club member
You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???

I really don't understand the top level players coming here with all thier top level manufactories and saying it hurts them?? No it doesn't. Where in the tech tree do you see anything that is over 20,000 goods, nothing. You don't need those goods and you know it and you are just hoarding.

The battlesystem changes took place over a year ago now, so everyone should be able to fight (minus the low level players, DEVS, FIX THIS!!!) So with at least 3 or more chapters, you should have been able to align your city to make it playable again. If you didn't, that's on you. The military improvements from those ancient wonders have helped to save more goods than the CL/BS could have ever hoped to produce.

Once you get to your first guest race chapter you will see how little your goods are needed. You need guest race goods. These can't be bought, can't be traded for and can only be produced in thier corresponding buildings. This means your manufactories will produce goods you never need. So you can always help out everyone, only if you want to, the change in the CL/BS will not ever make a difference!

If you can't take a new players trade, it's only because you don't want to and if that is you, quit now. Your CL/BS never produced the amount of goods a manufactory does, so you never relied on it :)

I strongly disagree. The battle changes didn't really help me because I'm a lousy fighter even with the matrix. I can win in the tourney, but I am too far along in my 'discovered' territory to even hope to win a fight, so I negotiate. My choice, no biggie. However, the extra goods for me was a way to increase trading. The change to the trader drastically changed the way I play and I had to trade more actively, even taking the weighted trades from undiscovereds. I trade heavily to help my FS. This hurts a player like me. I don't 'hoard' goods. I share them with the fellowship and use them to negotiate provinces and in the tournament when I can't win a fight. They way you play the game is different so if this doesn't hurt you, then good. But it hurts me. It hurts my fellowship.


First of all, hate new font/fonts.

About CL changes. Built it for the secondary effect (longer NH), so changes won't affect my decision whether to keep it or not. I still think that it's a "must have" AW for those who don't have that many active neighbors and are prioritizing "culture help" (plus the synergy from/with Watchtower.... :rolleyes: ). Also, kinda biased here, because I don't like pushers and it's one of their favorite AW to max asap - so I'll probably support anything that will make them angry.

That being said, I think that changes are quite reasonable, mainly because I think that AW should not be able to replace manufactories (and leveled CL for end-game players basically could replace multiple manufactories) - too many game elements are based around them, they need supplies, they need coins, their efficiency is directly impacted by player's ability to be online. AW (CL/BS) requires 4 min of online on mobile app (with nearly 400 unlocked provinces) and around 30 min on PC........ Yeeeeeah, CL and BS just did too much, while also having a powerful secondary effect.


The entire time I have played this game, I have never posted a 2 star trade. I have always posted at a 10% discount, no matter what it is. Oh and I did start up a human city and got it to chapter 5 in less than a month! If youj are running out of goods due to tournaments, you are trying to do more than you are capable of, same goes for provinces. If you manage your city wisely ( trust me this is a management game, not a building game) You will learn the best way to produce resources :)

If you get to chapter 5 in less than a month, you must be playing quite intensively and be able to do a lot of short runs, otherwise its not possible, unless you stock those cities with a lot of goods from the moment they reach the trader.
I've done loads of additional cities, and except with the first 2 chapters I tend to need a month per chapter. At least. But that's because I cant sit around and do a lot of short runs all the time. I mostly do 9-hour and 24 hour runs.
Try for once to imagine that not everyone plays the same way you do, with the same intensity you do and isn't planning on doing so, or even wishing to do so, no matter how much you keep saying that because you play in a certain way it must be so for everyone.