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    Your Elvenar Team

Release Notes version 1.39


at least CONSIDER.. if a player does more than the 30 provinces//visits.. that they again will be able to get their bonus due them from this aw... it isn't fair to punish those that visit their neighbors or those who need the goods at a critical time..and have put efforts into building up their bell spire/lighthouse.. and then to jjust give them a nominal amount no matter the players efforts


Well-Known Member
I see that people are, for the most part, failing to heed my advice to take a step back and consider that there's more to the game than a single AW bonus. If that single bonus is indeed comprising a significant part of your gameplay, then it's too important in the interest of game balance considering there are now 20 AWs with a combined 43 bonuses available. If one of them is deemed more valuable/important than all of the rest combined that it's worth such a tremendous outcry when it gets changed, that speaks to me of being too powerful and in need of that adjustment.

People are speaking of 'losing tens of thousands of goods per day', but perhaps that's a good thing for the overall game. If you can completely trivialize the 'fixed' uses for goods such as building upgrades and research through one AW to the point where an entire chapter's research doesn't even account for a fraction of your goods stock, is that not a game balance problem? I personally don't remember the last time I had a shortage of 'normal' goods for upgrades and research, and that's even without taking full advantage of the bonus. Now, add in all those extra goods in a situation where they're already not really needed for normal gameplay...does that even further illuminate the problem here? The only 'endless' dump of goods is in provinces and tournaments, but it's already been made clear that there's only a certain point one is supposed to advance through provinces without incurring large penalties, and tournaments are essentially all optional anyway that you're kind of just intended to 'spend what you're able' on, with no intrinsic game progress tied to them. At least, this is true for those players with maxed out relic boosts, which is the large bulk of players who were obtaining 'tens of thousands of goods per day'.

Another thing I'd like to clarify is that I never once denied that this change had a negative impact on players who (used to) visit hundreds of cities per day. However, I've said all along that this is a change that affects everyone who owns the AW, and a lot of them are going to benefit even from the current version we now have because a lot of people with this AW are NOT visiting hundreds of players per day. Before you try to debunk my claim, keep in mind that even before this change, there are people with this AW built who only visit their FS members, and/or those with 'golden hands'. Is it unreasonable to think there are a lot of players out there who only return visits to those who visit them (if at all)? I don't think it is, but that might be a crazy concept that those of you who used to 'farm' every available city for the goods bonus are now starting to realize. People who routinely visit 30 or fewer cities per day benefit from this change, provided they have the AW built at all of course.

All that being said, the only way to move forward from here is to support those people offering suggestions on how to improve the current version, if you feel it needs improving. Realistically speaking, protesting isn't going to do anything. A lot of these people boycotting diamond spending, as has been pointed out, either don't spend much of anything in the first place or have already filled their cities with magical buildings and are done with the research tree - in other words, they have nothing to spend diamonds on anyway. Besides that, while people generally refer to them dismissively it's a fact that Inno obtains a large amount of revenue from players who are probably only going to play for a matter of weeks, and never even look at nor learn about the forums. How many people do you think spend 10 dollars or less on the game versus those who spend thousands or even hundreds? Discussion is the way to go here, because protesting isn't going to accomplish what you want, mainly because it lacks the impact required for it to do so. The low-value silent masses are worth more in financial terms than the high-value whales, especially when those whales aren't spending anyway. Protest during the release of a new chapter, boycotting spending diamonds on research and all the new premium buildings and perhaps a protest may have a more meaningful impact.


I see that people are, for the most part, failing to heed my advice to take a step back and consider that there's more to the game than a single AW bonus. If that single bonus is indeed comprising a significant part of your gameplay, then it's too important in the interest of game balance considering there are now 20 AWs with a combined 43 bonuses available. If one of them is deemed more valuable/important than all of the rest combined that it's worth such a tremendous outcry when it gets changed, that speaks to me of being too powerful and in need of that adjustment.

People are speaking of 'losing tens of thousands of goods per day', but perhaps that's a good thing for the overall game. If you can completely trivialize the 'fixed' uses for goods such as building upgrades and research through one AW to the point where an entire chapter's research doesn't even account for a fraction of your goods stock, is that not a game balance problem? I personally don't remember the last time I had a shortage of 'normal' goods for upgrades and research, and that's even without taking full advantage of the bonus. Now, add in all those extra goods in a situation where they're already not really needed for normal gameplay...does that even further illuminate the problem here? The only 'endless' dump of goods is in provinces and tournaments, but it's already been made clear that there's only a certain point one is supposed to advance through provinces without incurring large penalties, and tournaments are essentially all optional anyway that you're kind of just intended to 'spend what you're able' on, with no intrinsic game progress tied to them. At least, this is true for those players with maxed out relic boosts, which is the large bulk of players who were obtaining 'tens of thousands of goods per day'.

Another thing I'd like to clarify is that I never once denied that this change had a negative impact on players who (used to) visit hundreds of cities per day. However, I've said all along that this is a change that affects everyone who owns the AW, and a lot of them are going to benefit even from the current version we now have because a lot of people with this AW are NOT visiting hundreds of players per day. Before you try to debunk my claim, keep in mind that even before this change, there are people with this AW built who only visit their FS members, and/or those with 'golden hands'. Is it unreasonable to think there are a lot of players out there who only return visits to those who visit them (if at all)? I don't think it is, but that might be a crazy concept that those of you who used to 'farm' every available city for the goods bonus are now starting to realize. People who routinely visit 30 or fewer cities per day benefit from this change, provided they have the AW built at all of course.

All that being said, the only way to move forward from here is to support those people offering suggestions on how to improve the current version, if you feel it needs improving. Realistically speaking, protesting isn't going to do anything. A lot of these people boycotting diamond spending, as has been pointed out, either don't spend much of anything in the first place or have already filled their cities with magical buildings and are done with the research tree - in other words, they have nothing to spend diamonds on anyway. Besides that, while people generally refer to them dismissively it's a fact that Inno obtains a large amount of revenue from players who are probably only going to play for a matter of weeks, and never even look at nor learn about the forums. How many people do you think spend 10 dollars or less on the game versus those who spend thousands or even hundreds? Discussion is the way to go here, because protesting isn't going to accomplish what you want, mainly because it lacks the impact required for it to do so. The low-value silent masses are worth more in financial terms than the high-value whales, especially when those whales aren't spending anyway. Protest during the release of a new chapter, boycotting spending diamonds on research and all the new premium buildings and perhaps a protest may have a more meaningful impact.

What you and some others apparently seem to be constantly forgetting is
A - most other wonders do not require one to take any action once placed. As soon as its placed its effect works. The most you have to do is click on it to harvest every once in a while.
This one requires the owner to spend time to realise its potential AND ITS THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES SO.

B - There may be 20 wonders there, but they can't all be build. For most of the players, there's significant fewer than 20 unlocked.
And even if you unlock then all, you still need runes. Getting those is pretty random, so the further ahead one is, the lesser the chance on one for the newer wonders, or in fact for any specific wonder one might want to build. Personal experience shows me that I need 20 runes on average to complete the ring for either building or upgrading that AW,.
And even if you could build them all, there's no way to build them all and still have a working city.

C - Goods are not only used for unlocking tech.
Goods are needed for building, upgrading, buying kps, negotiating on the map, events and in huge amounts for the tournaments.

The main problem with this change is not that its going to provide fewer goods, but that it affects the whole game in an adverse manner in several ways.
1 - the people hurt most by this are the most active players. Its never a good idea to hurt your most active base.
2 - there now is even less incentive to make visits than before. Which means that the newer players, the smaller players, even if they dont have this AW up are being hurt because they wont be visited as often, if at all, by those players around them who do, depriving them of at the very least coins, and if teh visit was done by someone they could visit in return, a second batch of coins and of supplies.
3 - fewer goods around mean fewer goods to trade. Basic economics. So I expect not only the number of trades to decline further, but in some places to have the rates go up as well as some goods will become scarcer than they are now.
4 - lesser participation in tournaments. As before, the most active players are the ones hurt most. Gee....surprise, surpsise...those also tend to be the players who participate in the tournaments most. but if suddenly one loses a lot of income needed for negotiating the tourneys evaporates, the participation rate will drop.

As for the boycot, you might be surprised. The players who bought diamonds regularly do not spend them only on buildings and expansions. So stating that because they got to the end of the techtree they now wouldn't buy them anyway is...well....for lack of another word...a bunch of crap.

And I, just as many other players, would just love to discuss things with Innogames. The problem there is that Inno refuses any kind of discussion, constantly ignores all feedback and suggestions, so there is a decided lack of ways to get them to listen, except refusing to spend money on the game, or quitting.
And the last is not much use. Over the last half year I see more and more pretty highranking players quit, not because the get to the end of the game, but because the constant barrage of changes takes the fun out of the game.

As for this one being overpowered. I might agree to that, though Inno has decidedly failed in providing proof of that, but let that stand. Theres several that are at least as powerful, and they don't require the player to take even a fraction of the trouble to get the bonus.
The Abyss, at only 9 squares, outperforms 2-3 magical residences. The Towers of Prosperity outperforms even the magical workshops, and at a bit higher level even 2 of them. The Maze of Dark Matter not only provides mana, but also greatly reduces the decline, making it possible to store more. The Mountain halls provide a nice pop boost, but also is the only one to make it possible to break the 700% barrier to name a few.
But apart from the Abyss, none of them are available as early as the CL and as I said, there is no other wonder that requires players to take action.
And right there is my other great objection: the lazy player now gets as much as the active one. You think that will encourage people to get active? No, quite the opposite. This AW was the one wonder that actually gave people an incentive to become more active. The way it is changed now will only make sure active players get less active.


Oh Wise One
@Dhurrin is right, there simply aren't enough incentives to visit neighbors. That's why I suggested more chests that become scarcer as you visit further out. Instead of 10 tiems as many goods for the CL/BS, make it two or three times, or maybe five, but have a maximum of 15 chests or some other higher number. put broken shards into some, 2, 5, 7 minutes instants into others, along with the goods from the CL/BS. With a chest-chance that means you have to visit 100 neighbors to get all 15, they become an incentive to visit without being gram-breaking. Better yet, no cap at all, but a sliding scale of likelihood that a chest will appear, so that after the first 50 or 100 visits, you bottom out around 3-5%, so you only get about one every 20-30 helps.


Oh Wise One
Even this wonder did not provide enough incentive for visits for most players. The biggest incentive would be something fast, as I mentioned somewhere else "even with a big button visit all with one click you would find some people still wouldn't do it". Speed and ease of visiting is a big hurdle to overcome for many people and the "cost" of it is not outweighed by the benefits for many people.


Personally, I think that per chapter one could gain one more.
Or an adaptation of the Cl where one gained goods only with the chests, but the CL generates one more chest per level of the CL.
With of course the requirement that for those chests you get a schematic like 1 after 5 vists, the second after 7, the 3rd after 9 etc. It would mean upgrading the CL has use and still inspires making visits, but it takes progressively more effort to make the most of it.
But your idea would make it even better, by adding those rewards.

I agree, some people will never make visits. That's not the point. The point is there needs to be some kind of incentive. Pretty much nobody will do it just for killing time.
And the rewards of coins and supplies are very meager, especially considering the fact that with the introduction of instants those are relatively easy to come by. Not to mention that for people in higher chapters, coins and supplies are only rarely short on a regular basis and thus no reason to make those visits.
Which is exactly what one sees now: fewer visits all over the place

But taking AWAY the only AW that gave any kind of incentive is no way of encouraging people to become more active.
So if they wanted to do that, they should be thinking on perhaps introducing another AW that gives an incentive to do so. Or another gamemechanic. One could conceivably come up with an incentive to trade with as many different players outside your FS to gain an additional reward each day, to name something. THAT would also boost trades, instead of their moronic change of the wholesaler.

(edit) As for it not being enough of an incentive: that would be a reason NOT to change it. Not a reaon to make it worse. Besides, most people I know with the CL did make much more than just their FS visits every day to gain those goods, so though perhaps not good enough, at least it worked. Now it does nothing at all.
I know that I'm now only doing my FS members, and thats for them, not for me, since I don't need the coins or the supplies. But I'm now no longer even doing the regulars who would return my visits, because there just is nothing to be gained for doing so.
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Well-Known Member
One of the more astute and succinct evaluations posted here qaccy...Well said indeed. While most contained a myriad of whines and tantrums (I'm guilty as well), some did provide some very profound observations and suggestions. I'll attempt the same here with my own observations as well as a possible solution.

One of the fallacies with most of what has been said here regarding this issue, though, is that everyone plays the same way which is an illogical assumption. We don't have to argue the fact that the majority of AWs are created with the combat player in mind or that many of us are of the non-combat type because the benefits of all of the AWs are clearly stated and we also are aware that there are players who don't fight so they don't place those AWs...Non-issue. An additional non-issue is that, through the extended help time offered by this AW, additional products are gleaned through time and level which is seldom mentioned. While I would like to see an AW geared specifically toward, and for, folks that prefer to play as non-combatants, that's a subject for another thread.

I'll begin this paragraph by saying that I agree wholeheartedly with those of you who contend that this game is beyond being simply a city builder game. Perhaps it is as simple as that through the first chapters/levels but it becomes a game of strategy and management from the mid levels on so I'll say that if you have pinned your entire game strategy on one AW then perhaps a re-think is in order.

Now, a suggestion to a solution possibility. I must say, first, that I don't buy into the "this AW has become too powerful" contention. Was a shelf life timeline built into it when it was created? I have to think not but the reality is that it was programmed, accepted and implemented by Inno. I don't know what sort of table it's based upon either but I'll go on to say that whatever inadequacies it now demonstrates in the eyes of the provider should definitely not become a detriment to those who utilize it...The players. The solution? Get rid of it! Okay, that's a little dramatic but why not let it resume as originally programmed until their next guest race chapter and then do a revision in the form of an upgrade? Ruby Lighthouse/Golden Bell Spire sort of thing. Build an infinitive algorithmic table for it so that it never outlives it's existence. Each player now has the option to continue with the AW at whatever level they currently reside in at that point or upgrade to the new table. Now the possibility exists for a simple table tweak for leveling (which would be invisible to players) rather than nerfing the AW and creating such an uproar. Now the player is in charge of the destiny of that AW rather than having the perception of, yet again, of having something forced upon him.
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I think a much simpler solution is possible. Tie the goods produced to main hall level instead of explored territory and that removes the exponential gain of AW. Place the reward back on the helps. Then a simple table for the level progression like:
  1. 1.5 x MH Level per help
  2. 1.7
  3. 1.9
  4. 2.1
  5. 2.3
  6. 2.7
  7. 2.9
  8. 3.1
  9. 3.3
  10. 3.5
  11. 3.9
  12. 4.1
  13. 4.3
  14. 4.5
  15. 4.7
  16. 5.1
  17. 5.3
  18. 5.5
  19. 5.7
  20. 5.9
This would vastly reduce the goods produced compared to how it was, but would return it to being a reward for effort, and might bring it back to being decent for the highly active players.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Sorry. While the idea has merit, remember that AWs should stand on their respective intrinsic values. To tie them to other aspects of the game would make them something other than what they are.


Nope. Sorry. While the idea has merit, remember that AWs should stand on their respective intrinsic values. To tie them to other aspects of the game would make them something other than what they are.
Tome of Secrets tied to main hall level. Golden Abyss tied to main hall level. Endless Excavation tied to main hall level. Prosperity Towers tied to main hall level. Shrine of Shrewdy Shrooms tied to squad size and armory levels. Dwarven Bulwark tied to squad size.

Would you like to buy a clue? I normally sell them at a rate of $1 each, but today I have 2 specials: half price and buy one get one free.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I know. Wasn't like that at game inception and I'm opposed to all of that as well. Such as it is, I'd rather not see more AWs tied to MH upgrades. How about three for a buck? Can I stash clues? I may need them in the future...


Well-Known Member
Personally I don't think MH level is a bad idea, but I also don't think provinces are either. Both roughly equate to game progression, and these mechanisms are generally what keep AWs relevant throughout the game by providing a consistently scaling multiplier no matter where you are in the research tree.

I'm inclined to agree that at this point, modifying how daily chests work may be a reasonable way to go. Lowering the odds of having chests appear while also removing the daily cap on receiving them would provide some measure of incentive for players to 'help' each other beyond merely FS and mutual visits from neighbors. Going forward with this, the AW could additionally provide a bonus to chest appearance rate. This bonus would only increase with the AW's level and would not scale with anything else, since chests provide the same rewards regardless of a player's game progress.

And lastly:

A fairly well reasoned-out post that makes some good points. I only want to call up two points from it. One, you stated that Inno 'ignores feedback'. This is something I personally don't believe. It's important to keep in mind that just because nothing is said, doesn't mean it isn't read. Inno has also often reacted to feedback both verbally and directly in-game, though this is decidedly more often on the beta forums/game where new features are still in development. It's certainly true that the wheels turn a little slower on things once they leave beta, but if anything this is a reason to get more involved with the beta community. However, it bears repeating that you can't reasonably expect Inno to respond and/or act on every single thing the players post on the forums. No game developer does. Partly because feedback tends to go in several different directions simultaneously, but also because a lot of feedback isn't really actionable in the first place and Inno can't feasibly implement every single suggestion players offer either, often for the same reasons I just provided.

The second thing is a bit more personal, but I want to ask you: Do you only visit players if there's something in it for you? Particularly when you mentioned that you were no longer going to visit people outside of your FS. Did I misunderstand this part, or why wouldn't you return a visit to a neighbor? It just seems a little selfish to me, which is why I'm asking since you're seemingly taking a more altruistic stance when you defend the old version of the AW and this statement clashes with that viewpoint. If you cared about actually helping people, you'd at least visit all players who visit you regardless of whether you're getting goods from it, would you not?


Mathematician par Excellence
Inno has also often reacted to feedback both verbally and directly in-game, though this is decidedly more often on the beta forums/game where new features are still in development. It's certainly true that the wheels turn a little slower on things once they leave beta, but if anything this is a reason to get more involved with the beta community. However, it bears repeating that you can't reasonably expect Inno to respond and/or act on every single thing the players post on the forums. No game developer does.
Beta is only 7 days ahead of Live, and in the 16 months I've been playing only a handful of updates had any changes at all between beta and live.
As for responding to "every single thing players post", no, we don't expect that, but even using the system that inno's own mods put in place where suggestions are discussed for weeks among players, then a mod adds a poll, then for 2 weeks players vote and discuss it further. Finally if it reaches 80%+ positive results it is then "forwarded to the devs". Those should at least get a reply.
So not every single thing, just a few words in response to the 2-4 most popular ideas every 2 weeks would be a massive leap forwards in communication.

I don't expect the world, but I do think they could do more.


Oh Wise One
Is the purpose of this wonder to encourage visits? We may have used it that way but only the devs know the intended purpose of it, which they are entitled to change if it isn't working (darn fine print of the terms). If it was to provide incentive for boosts, then yes this is a big failure. If it was to just provide extra boosted goods, then it still does that and they still need to address NH along with a lot of other things like moving inactive protected cities, etc. etc.

I also like the idea of it increasing chest counts but then that will need someone to post in ideas section. ;)


Buddy Fan Club member
You all do realize this is the first change in order to implement a larger change, a much better system???

I really don't understand the top level players coming here with all thier top level manufactories and saying it hurts them?? No it doesn't. Where in the tech tree do you see anything that is over 20,000 goods, nothing. You don't need those goods and you know it and you are just hoarding.

The battlesystem changes took place over a year ago now, so everyone should be able to fight (minus the low level players, DEVS, FIX THIS!!!) So with at least 3 or more chapters, you should have been able to align your city to make it playable again. If you didn't, that's on you. The military improvements from those ancient wonders have helped to save more goods than the CL/BS could have ever hoped to produce.

Once you get to your first guest race chapter you will see how little your goods are needed. You need guest race goods. These can't be bought, can't be traded for and can only be produced in thier corresponding buildings. This means your manufactories will produce goods you never need. So you can always help out everyone, only if you want to, the change in the CL/BS will not ever make a difference!

If you can't take a new players trade, it's only because you don't want to and if that is you, quit now. Your CL/BS never produced the amount of goods a manufactory does, so you never relied on it :)

How do you know that this is the first change to a better system? Since you imply you have information that isn't available to the rest of us, do share.


Buddy Fan Club member
Is the purpose of this wonder to encourage visits? We may have used it that way but only the devs know the intended purpose of it, which they are entitled to change if it isn't working (darn fine print of the terms). If it was to provide incentive for boosts, then yes this is a big failure. If it was to just provide extra boosted goods, then it still does that and they still need to address NH along with a lot of other things like moving inactive protected cities, etc. etc.

I also like the idea of it increasing chest counts but then that will need someone to post in ideas section. ;)

Well it seems to me that the devs don't like the way we were playing the game so they are changing it to make it so we have to play their way. They are taking away options to play the game from different strategy points.


First of all, I don't expect Inno to react to every single post or suggestion. That is impossible for any organisation.
But the fact of the matter is that they actively ask for feedback and reactions, especially on beta.
A second fact is that they pretty much never take any of it in consideration. I think Soggy mentioned it as well, but its only very, very, very rarely that an update from beta gets any kind of change before going online.
But READING THEM without ever giving any kind of feedback, nor ever implementing them is a waste of time. Why read them if you're not going to use any? But its just another name for ignoring it.

As for the suggestions, no, of course they cannot implement all the suggestions. But even if they are doing anything with them, they don't let anything know. I've lost track of the number of suggestions that are 'forwarded to the dev team', never to be heard of again. And I'm talking about stuff from 1 year, 18 months or even 2 years ago. Even very simple to implement suggestions that require only a minimal programming time.
The very least they could do is at some point give feedback again, like 'going to be implemented in the near future / far future' or, 'shelved because lack of time' or 'considered and rejected' or whatever. But from an endless number of suggestions, even those with polls, one just never hears from again. Yes, its forwarded to the dev team...and then what? At the very least it seems it just ends up in the trash, because nobody hears from it again and nobody ever sees anything implemented.
Even if they just gave a short update once a month on a few of the ideas that were forwarded it would be a massive improvement.
Of course, the suggestion to have them communicate more/more clearly on this subject ALSO has been made several times over, and just like all the other suggestions then is never heard from again.
So my problem is that if they don't implement and they don't even give a slight insight of what the devs feel about ideas and one never hears from them again, WHY IN HADES NAME do they ask for them?

As for the visits.
Yes and no. I'm selfish enough and honest enough to say I do visits only for 2 reasons. Loyalty to my FS and my own gain. I play this game, as any game, because I like it. If others benefit, all the better, but I'm not playing to make others feel better, I'm playing for my own fun.
Sure, I visited a lot of players I noticed on my map who were active but couldn't reach me yet, and often got messages to say thanks. But I'd get something in return, so it was all fine. I also used to take a lot of trades from those players, even if I didn't need the goods they offered, even if they offered my own boosted goods. But I could do that because I had those additional goods to spare, because of my visits, so I felt it was a nice way of balancing things.
Needless to say that's no longer happening either.

And now, since coins and supplies aren't worth the time and effort for me, I no longer see any reason at all to do any visits outside my FS. And those to my FS only as a show of loyalty, not because I need the gold of supplies. But outside my FS? No. Not a single one. Not even the ones who used to return my visits. It just takes away time from other things without anything useful in return.
This is partly because of the time involved, especially with a quirky internetconnection or working on a small screen. But even on my desktop. I LIKED this game. But not so much I'm going to endlessly spend time on doing actions that have no benefit to myself.

And the coins arent a benefit at all. In fact, I'd call them detrimental at this stage. Because I have only 2 uses for them: the wholesaler (yeah right, not going to happen with that ridiculously low return on investment after their screwing up the wholesaler) or buying kps. Problem is, right now I don't want to buy too many kps, because it drives up the price and I prefer to buy a very large number of kps when the new chapter comes out, so I can get through the advanced scouts right away.
Also, since my storage is constantly full, with every few visits I make I get that pop-up 'you only get x out of y gold, do you want to continue' which I then have to click again. So yet ANOTHER annoying action I have to do with just about every visit. I could live with that when I at least got goods in return, but am not going to even bother just for coins I don't need. So no, I'll wait, then spend all my coins on kps when the new chapter comes out and fill it again with the visits. But not before.

(edited for typos)
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Well it seems to me that the devs don't like the way we were playing the game so they are changing it to make it so we have to play their way. They are taking away options to play the game from different strategy points.

Perhaps the devs should actually try to PLAY the game sometime. In the regular way I mean, instead of creating a city with high lvl buildings out of nothing in the blink of an eye in a testing mode without ever having to bother to live with the -beep- they pile on the players.
Seems to me they have completely lost the connection with the active players



Feedback: Release Notes version 1.39

Dear Humans and Elves,

We have announced our upcoming update to version 1.39. As always, we would love to hear your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
Will the NO Chatroom or Cannot connect to Chatroom be fixed too? I didn't see that mentioned. It sucks not being able to read and chat about what is going on in the fellowship. I have a ticket logged. Thank You