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    Your Elvenar Team

Three Glacier Giants feedback


Well-Known Member
So I have a question -- likely because I simply get so confused about the process!!

I thought the point one changed Chapter definition (dwarf to fairy in my case) was unlocking the advanced scout chest.
I managed to get that done before the end of this event - yet I still see the dwarf symbol on the daily prize for today and for the last prize, which I haven't claimed yet.

I logged a ticket to support as well.

Am I missing something here?



Well-Known Member


Oh Wise One
It annoys pretty much everyone, and it's one of the most consistent complaints.

Any prizes you've already collected won't be affected. But if you have any of the grand prizes still sitting at the uncollected state, it will improve them.

The first grand will gain 160 Culture if you make it, the second will gain 700 culture and 6000 supplies per day. The ice hag if you made that will gain 210 culture and 320 pop, which is considerable.

But if you've already collected them (even if you haven't built them) they won't change.


Well-Known Member
I would, if at all possible. do you have open provinces you can clear, or goods/coins to buy KP? Assuming you still haven't collected the 3rd GP as you mentioned earlier.

I only have 5 more encounters of uncleared provinces yet .. nothing else scouted.

Although, in my push to get KP's .. I did get one more province expansion and only lacking 2 more for another!!
I may bite the bullet and buy the remaining KP's, using those handy Gold Piece instants if I must, sometime early Sunday afternoon so I can get that done before the event rolls off.
The boost on the 3rd Grand prize and any candy cane trees I might get seems worth while.


Well-Known Member
Total brain cramp -- was thinking Sunday was the event closure -- but the timer indicates 35 hours and change.
So ... after casting a KP spell (won't lose any KP during sleep / church / actual life activities) it looks like I will only be 6 or so short .. very manageable to buy those and then spend keys / collect the last GP before it closes out. I did burn through a big chunk of my hoarded supplies I had intended to use for the upcoming Steel tourney -- that one is a lagging quite a bit for me to get max boost but I'm stubborn so things will work out eventually!!


I just barely missed completing the very last quest by a few hours because my computer got rabies and I couldn't log in to start making bread 40 times (in time) because there's only 34 hours left! D'oh! (I guess 107 out of 108 ain't bad though o_O:p)



What happened to the last double crowns day? It was supposed to be yesterday. but it never showed up in my city. That really sucks.


Well-Known Member
SCHWING -- I didn't realize that the bonus awards you get for contributing KP for another person's wonder came when the research bar was filled up on their wonder. I thought it happened after the upgrade was completed == going to have that darn Advanced Scouts completed for the Fairy chapter flag around noon Central time Monday, if not sooner due to other pending awards -- plenty of time to get a few tries for the candy cane tree and collect the 3rd prize I have queued up!!


Thanks for another fun event. The challenges were nice, the art of the daily prizes is good, I've managed to get most of what I wanted. Got the complete set of set buildings in the city that I wanted them in. Didn't get the third grand prize intentionally as it looked a bit creepy, didn't really match the tone of my towns and takes up a lot of space. Saved up keys for the Father Tree of Candy Canes instead.

A couple of comments (I haven't read the other 21 pages of this thread so sorry if this has been said before). There appears to be a problem with whatever is being used to randomize the box contents. I noticed it in the Elvenar event as well. If you do several tries in a short time, sometimes you get a run of the same thing or have a majority of your tries be the same result. I'm not complaining, it's how I got all three grand prizes in the Elvenar event. I got a run of extra nuts. In this event, if I really wanted the daily prize I would count to ten between tries when I didn't like the result to try to 'reset' the randomizer. It at least seemed to make the results more random. I have two cities - in one I wanted one FTCC and in the other I wanted 2 and I saved my keys accordingly. In the city where I wanted one, I got one (on the very last try with my last 50 keys, I was very relieved :) ). In my other city I got 2 trees fairly quickly so I didn't care about the rest of the results and just used up my keys without pausing in between tries - and got a run of trees. I now have 6! Enough for a small forest when I get the space. Again, I'm not complaining about the results but as long as we are 'gambling' would it be possibly to improve the randomness?

Which brings me to my second point - it would be nice if we could trade 'summonings' with other players. I would love to be able to trade my extra FTCC's for a Frozen Lake or a Charming Tree for variety. Any chance of adding that functionality? :cool:

At any rate, thanks again for the effort that gets put into these events. It makes the game more interesting and gives a boost to my cities.