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    Your Elvenar Team

How many FS per server finished(compared to last FA)


Mathematician par Excellence
Last FA(2.0) if a FS did 1 route on each stage, and managed to finish all 3 stages, they had a minimum of 5,100 points.
This most recent FA(3.0), if a FS finished they got at least 7,200 points.

Here are the results for the maximum number of fellowships that finished in each.

US2 177---->41
US3 155---->48
US4 138 --->40
US5 ???--->31
US6 86

If anyone can fill in some blanks, please post.
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Although interesting stats, the more important question is the one we can't answer, 'How many FS spent diamonds in the previous one vs this one?' If 15 out of 177 changed to 23 out of 41 then you can bet they view it as a success.


Well-Known Member
On US7/Ceravyn, we placed 10th with 9400 points. We opted for a 3-path run in Stage 2 & then filled in a few spots in Stage 3.


Active Member
Our FS on US5 (Elcysandir) came in 11th place with 11850 points.
We cleared stage 1, Finished the blue path on stage 2, finished the orange path on stage 3 and then finished a couple of waypoints for extra points. We came in on the wire though, finishing with only 2 hours to spare.
I think I personally spent about 100 diamonds that I had sitting around just to speed up a few things (I am impatient) but I don't believe anyone else did.


Mathematician par Excellence
Although interesting stats, the more important question is the one we can't answer, 'How many FS spent diamonds in the previous one vs this one?
I can't imagine that they made more $$$ this time. There was far less competition I think, which would push down the top Visa Warriors, and with the increased difficulty and (70%?) drop in the number of FS that finished the event it seems to me like fewer players "spent a little" to help finish.
I mean, how many players used diamonds if they knew their FS wouldn't even finish the event regardless?


Well-Known Member
Looks like the feedback that this thing is a dud is translating into the numbers.

If people were spending on the FA, they didn't say they were. All conversation was about how many x, y, or z were cooking and how long before they would be ready.


Buddy Fan Club member
Our fellowship received more than the 7200 points and yet did not finish.
I believe 7200 to finish would be ONLY completing 1 path per stage, the minimum required to finish. Our FS was nowhere near finishing(didn't even complete the start flag for stage 3), but we had more points than the minimum for completing 2 stages. That happened because some members completed at least one waypoint (& I think 2) on a path we weren't taking (they thought it looked easier from the first couple of waypoints and nobody cared anyway). If your FS completed more than the minimum waypoints per stage it is possible to have more than the minimum points, yet still not finish.


Mathematician par Excellence
I believe 7200 to finish would be ONLY completing 1 path per stage, the minimum required to finish.
Stage 1:
Flag 100
Green 1200
Blue 1000
Orange 1600

Stage 2:
Flag 200
Green 2,000
Blue 3,200
Orange 2,000

Stage 3:
Flag 300
Green 4800
Blue 3600
Orange 3600
the numbers in the first post are for the max FS that may have finished. If a FS did any extra spots, or anything other than B,B/G,B/O they would need more than 7200 to finish


I can't imagine that they made more $$$ this time. There was far less competition I think, which would push down the top Visa Warriors
Perhaps, or perhaps almost all the revenue is generated by 5 FS going for 3 spots that are going to do a full clear no matter what just to have an abyss race and they had to spend way more just to get to that race and everyone else spent the same drops in the bucket to finish stage 2 instead of 3. Obviously I haven't a clue but if we assume they had reason for the 'tweaks' and that they made sense to them somehow, this is my best guess for what they wanted to happen. I suppose we won't know how well it worked until they repeat it with no changes. I would be interested to know what the top 5 scores were last time in relation to a full clear plus X vs this time... that would be a telling stat.


Another telling stat: what does it say that less than 1%—one-one hundreth of the total fellowships involved in playing this game—were able to finish the adventure? Something like that makes it look like this isn't even being done for nearly all the active players in Elvenar. Does that sort of thing deserve anyone's future support...?


Well-Known Member
I was in a fellowship has won all three times. As far as I know, we didn't spend diamonds. It was just play and despise... The chat was active and people communicated how long and how many of a certain badge they had when the longer badges came up. There was only once where I wondered if someone cleared a badge on a waypoint with diamonds because I didn't think the guy had any of that badge cooking and he announced it cleared. And then, we were so far ahead in the pit, and it was easy, but gross, tedious and developing hate for the game, to make the badges

This why I keep asking where this belief that this defective component of the game is actually making them money.

This event is reminding me of the dot.com bust in the stock market and how people continue with a loser because they invested in it and they figure it owes them something back. The best way to get around a bad investment is to just move on and know how to cut your losses. FA is a dud and should be shelved. The feedback we've gotten back is that it is too big of an investment to actually fix it...

Perhaps, or perhaps almost all the revenue is generated by 5 FS going for 3 spots.


considering that on US4, fellowships as far down the FS ranking ladder as #248 "finished" the FA (according to Soggy's 7200-point threshold), and several fellowships up and down the ladder finished - #169 even achieved 7th in the FA - I'd say to all the complainers, maybe stop telling yourself that everyone who beat you did so because they used cash and start figuring out a strategy that works.


Mathematician par Excellence
I'd say to all the complainers, maybe stop telling yourself that everyone who beat you did so because they used cash and start figuring out a strategy that works.
I don't think you actually understand the complaints. It's not that you have to spend diamonds to finish 3 stages. There are however exactly zero F2P fellowships in the top 3 on each server though, so our assumption that the FA is designed for the big spenders is reasonable.
All other things being equal a FS with players that have purchased expansions, or the much more efficient magic buildings has a massive advantage, and in the current design they will always get the only 3 desirable prizes.
The complaint isn't even about big spenders getting the best prizes, they pay for the game afterall. The complaint is that they will always win the only 3 prizes.
Also everyone is aware that you can nuke culture buildings, hold off on placing settlement buildings etc in order to make room for a turd town in order to complete the event. There is no need to "figure out a strategy" Communication, putting your city on hold, and mindlessly clicking many times a day is not strategy. The point is that there was even less motivation to do so.

Frankly using US4 as an example I don't understand at all what the FS who ranked 5 through 35 were doing. They were more than 10,000 points behind 3rd place, and well over the minimum points to finish. Where they really fighting over who gets a 5h vs 8h timer buff? A 45min timer vs a 30m timer? Right after winning dozens of timers in the winter event? Why? Did they spend diamonds in that fight? That makes even less sense. Maybe there are close to 40 FS per server who just love the FA, but even if there are, that seems like to few too be called a win for inno.
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Soggy, you make it sound like organized gaming is a given but the truth is it is not. Coming from the land of MMORPGs, I know by experience the difference having an organized leadership can make, whether money is spent or not.

Let's talk about Inno's FA. The following is addressed to the forumers in general, not just you Soggy:

1. Prizes are pooh-pooh - I agree and so do most people I've heard from, both diamond and non-diamond players. We should continue to petition Inno on this.

2. FA is buggy and user interface sucks - same as no.1

3. Top FS used diamonds to win in the FA - purely assumption. How do you know that? Why do you assume that? Are you jealous of their performance? Is it that you can't figure out how they do it and so assume that they bought it with cash?

4. It is too hard to finish the FA - well, clearly, "hard" here is relative, because many smaller (in rank) FS did finish, and finished way ahead of many higher ranked ones

5. People can't have fun/will not bother with the FA - says you. Maybe some FS simply like doing something together as a group to see how far they can get? Is this not possible? Have you talked to the FSes who finished? How do you know why and how they did what they did?

So apart from point no.1 and no.2 in this post, all the other complaints don't square with me.
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Oh Wise One
Soggy, you make it sound like organized gaming is a given but the truth is it is not. Coming from the land of MMORPGs, I know by experience the difference having an organized leadership can make, whether money is spent or not.

Let's talk about Inno's FA. The following is addressed to the forumers in general, not just you Soggy:

1. Prizes are pooh-pooh - I agree and so do most people I've heard from, both diamond and non-diamond spenders. We should continue to petition Inno on this.

2. FA is buggy and user interface sucks - same as no.1

3. Top FS used diamonds to win in the FA - purely assumption. How do you know that? Why do you assume that? Are you jealous of their performance? Is it that you can't figure out how they do it and so assume that they bought it with cash?

4. It is too hard to finish the FA - well, clearly, "hard" here is relative, because many smaller (in rank) FS did finish, and finished way ahead of many higher ranked ones

5. People can't have fun/will not bother with the FA - says you. Maybe some FS simply like doing something together as a group to see how far they can get? Is this not possible? Have you talked to the FSes who finished? How do you know why and how they did what they did?

So apart from point no.1 and no.2 in this post, all the other complaints don't square with me.
3. Isn't a complaint, it's simply the way things are. Look at the cities of the winners. You will find that the majority of them are full of high level diamond residences, workshops, and culture buildings. Even if they didn't spend any more diamonds for the event, their production is supported by diamond expenditure. There's also no reason to believe they spent thousands of diamonds on building their city but aren't spending some more to win the event. Regardless, Soggy isn't complaining about that, he's simply taking it as a given that winning a top-3 spot is out of reach of most fellowships that do not spend large amounts of diamonds. That was "most." Yes, it's possible that there are some sufficiently motivated fellowships that have large enough members that they could place in the top 3 if there wasn't another group that was willing to spend diamonds to beat them.

4. "Too Hard" and "impossible" do not mean the same thing. For an event that is supposed to be promoting fellowship cooperation, at least half of the active fellowships should be finishing. The return on investment for the required effort was insufficient to get the majority of active fellowships to complete stage three. Ergo, the event was too hard. That in no way means, or implies, that there aren't lots of fellowships that finished it and enjoyed themselves. In the same way that the fact society doesn't use mountain climbing as a way to engage people and promote bonding doesn't negate the fact there are thousands of people who enjoy mountain climbing and manage to climb some formidable mountains.

5. "People" and "All People" do not mean the same thing. There are absolutely people who could not have fun with the event and did not bother with it. I and an entire fellowship among them. In one of my fellowships, some people did participate, and finished stage 1. That does not mean that there are not other people who did not.

Points do not have to "square" with everyone to be true. The event was too hard for lots of people, not all people. The event was not fun for lots of people, not all people.
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