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Recent content by brimatja

  1. Why upgrade evolving buildings?

    Thanks for this info - it's what I needed to know
  2. Why upgrade evolving buildings?

    Is there any reason to upgrade an evolving building? There don't appear to be any benefits.
  3. 2021 Misty Forest discussion

    I have canvassed opinions in my Fellowship about the Misty Forest and several players feel playing the event is not really worth it because progress is slow and there are insufficient rewards for what you spend in lights.
  4. Tournament score for Fellowship

  5. Tournament score for Fellowship

    For that matter, what does the 2730 represent?
  6. Tournament score for Fellowship

    My fellowship currently shows a tournament progress score of 2730/3400. What does the 3400 represent?
  7. Fellowship members score

    So one is a score and the other is the rank of that score. Is that correct? (I am confused.)
  8. Fellowship members score

    This Rankings list is not the list I was referring to. I was referring to the Members names list under the Fellowship flag
  9. Fellowship members score

    No. The only place I have asked this question before is in my fellowship chat.
  10. Fellowship members score

    What "game score"? The Ranking Points score I referred to is the one calculated from working population, required culture, world map progress and Ancient Wonders.
  11. Fellowship members score

    In the fellowship Members list is a score next to the name of each member. This score is not equal to the Ranking Points score. What is it? I have looked in Wiki under Fellowships and Rankings and cannot find the answer. (As the Archmage of my fellowship I think I should know.)
  12. Size of Temple of Ages and Goddess of Fertility

    Can anyone tell me how big the Temple of Ages and Goddess of Fertility are? Or do I just have to wait until I am about to place them? brimatja
  13. New Archmage

    Thanks. I will look into it.
  14. New Archmage

    I have just been made Archmage of my fellowship; the retiring Archmage is out of contact; and I don't know the first thing about it. What am I expected to do? How do I appoint a new Archmage? How do I promote people to Ambassadors and Mages? How do I accept new members? What else do I need to...
  15. 10 chests

    So the only thing that counts for points is how many rounds you play?