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Recent content by Izifaddag

  1. Izifaddag

    I am at home now

    Somebody using the id "I am at home now" has abandoned the game. For nearly a year I keep visiting this place on the world map to give neighborly help. Every time it is the same with the MH being built. The arch mage of the guild this person belongs to is clueless as to what is going on. Can you...
  2. Izifaddag

    Winter Magic Event Feedback

    I ignore the winter event. In fact now I am finding my way in Elvenar I pretty much ignore all so called events. I participate in fellowship stuff to keep my membership but it is about building my city not these other distractions. If you consider the amount of resources each takes for what you...
  3. Izifaddag

    The Spire is the worst idea you ever had.

    I ignore it.