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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by MaddogIV

  1. Chapter 9.

    what is the purpose of this chapter. What do I do with the forest glad and trail. I have attached them to the weeping willows but I am not getting any items.
  2. Can you be in too many realms?

    Hi, I have cities in all 8 realms. I am a fairly regular player. Some of my cities really suffer because I play every realm every day and its very hard to keep track of stuff. Some of my cities are doing very well. i belong to the same FS in all 8 As that was one of the early rules that you...
  3. Help

    Hello. I am pLaying on my IPad and as of today the games continually crashes on me. I have deleted the app and reinstalled several times to no avail. Can you assist me?
  4. The Food Game

    Romain lettuce
  5. Instants from inventory. How to use them?

    How do I use the Instants in my inventory. I have a bunch but get the message they can’t be used from inventory.