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    Your Elvenar Team

Chapter 9.


New Member
what is the purpose of this chapter. What do I do with the forest glad and trail. I have attached them to the weeping willows but I am not getting any items.


Well-Known Member
If that site goes down for whatever reason, well. I'm currently near the end of that chapter, so here's a graphic that could help.


It is absolutely required to have the the portal (Forest Glade) at level 4 as soon as possible.

If you want to don't want to bother with any of the Grafting Sites, you can build just the Forest Glades for the Mana Tears and use a bunch of Portal Profit that you're probably flooded with from Spire (you are doing Spire, right? ... RIGHT???) instants to get just enough to upgrade the portal with (since PPs give more goods the higher the portal level is). Overall, you'll need around 600% worth of Portal Profits to complete the chapter without ever needing to deal with Grafting Sites.

This is all assuming you have enough mana to feed everything from making Mana Tears to using it on research.

EDIT: My settlement is larger than recommended minimum. You can make yours larger or smaller than that but if you have the minimum, you'll be able to satisfy the bossy people on the left side of the screen without waiting 'till the next chapter to dump them like a sack of used diapers decline their "offers".