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Recent content by Petes379

  1. Moderately active player looking for a new fellowship

    I am a moderately active player boosted in marble, crystal and elixir seeking a fellowship of active players. I can't do weekly 10 chests push but looking for a fellowship that does one about once a month and also the FA's. I do daily visits to aide other fellows and will help in AW trade...
  2. and it begins again ... a new nightmare lol

    Ever I can't get to your city since you are in a different world than mine but might suggest selling smaller culture and buy a few that have more culture that way you could save space but still have the same culture.
  3. and it begins again ... a new nightmare lol

    3-4 each on night and day farms, and if you have space in orcs I would suggest about 20 mushrooms to produce all the varieties you need and 2-3 rally points
  4. Looking for f/s in Felyndral

    Moderately active player here, will do as many visits a week as I can to aide fellow members. Looking for active fellowship to join but not to demanding or stressful about "you have to do's" considering I work long hrs at times. I am boosted in Marble, Crystal, and Gems.