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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by Ronbear the Grand

  1. Ronbear the Grand

    FA Avengers — looking for Three! (Khelonaar)

    The FA Avengers is a Gold Spire fellowship (26 consecutive) who open 12-15 Tourney Chests each week and have won the past 2 FAs! We founded this fellowship back in March with the idea that we would focus on Spire Gold and FA glory. We are now looking for three cities to fill our ranks! If your...
  2. Ronbear the Grand

    Feedback Chapter Migration

    On the surface, yes. But this game is about nuance, intricacy, complexity and cause-and-effect decision-making. We can agree to disagree on the impacts...as quite certainly only the first five chapters were “streamlined”
  3. Ronbear the Grand

    Feedback Chapter Migration

    Yes, chapter 2-3 cities can still make bracelets, but in the new Tech Tree they cannot participate in Tourney until Chapter 4 or Spire until Chapter 5 — so they cannot contribute Ghosts or Tourney Marbles. The advantage that was removed is a small city that can contribute significant value for...
  4. Ronbear the Grand

    Feedback Chapter Migration

    One of the few advantages that smaller fellowships and smaller cities had for the FA has been removed!!! Great job Inno! Super happy you could tailor the game to the largest cities!!!
  5. Ronbear the Grand

    The FA is unwell

    The only viable way for me to compensate Inno for the 20+ hours of entertainment value they provide to me each week is to buy stuff they offer as in-game purchases (and, of course, to get other folks to play the game). My wife and I started playing this game about 18 months ago…and we love...
  6. Ronbear the Grand

    The FA is unwell

    Hahahahahahahaha — I do not think that word means what you think it means
  7. Ronbear the Grand

    The FA is unwell

    You all do realize that Inno has to pay the bills, right? I buy diamonds and spend diamonds weekly and unabashedly…and I do it specifically so that I can support a game platform that I absolutely love playing. In-game purchases pay for the platform, and I budget for them to ensure that I can...
  8. Ronbear the Grand

    Anyone also having exorbitant coin badge requirements for the FA???

    Hahahaha not salty, I had just heard they had modified it in beta and was surprised when it was identical to the last FA. We did really well both times, though. So no complaints here:)
  9. Ronbear the Grand

    Dwarven Armorer

    I love that idea! Let’s vote on it!
  10. Ronbear the Grand

    Anyone also having exorbitant coin badge requirements for the FA???

    Yes, I was in the thick of the coin fiasco during the last FA (which was also ridiculous), but we were told that the percentage was reduced by a third. However, my percentage is the same as last FA.
  11. Ronbear the Grand

    Anyone also having exorbitant coin badge requirements for the FA???

    Yeah, it seems the other folks in chapters 8 and 9 that are in my fellowship have the same 27%. Some of the lower chapter (and higher chapter) players have a lower percentage…we were all led to believe that they changed it, but this is the exact same percentage as July.
  12. Ronbear the Grand

    Anyone also having exorbitant coin badge requirements for the FA???

    I am in chapter 9, and for this FA it takes 27% (3.7M) of my Main Hall capacity (13.6M) to earn a gold coin sack badge. That equates to 119 neighborly help for one badge. Is anyone else having this challenge?
  13. Ronbear the Grand


    Also a great idea! I love the time travel mystery concept!
  14. Ronbear the Grand


  15. Ronbear the Grand


    That‘s what we need to figure out! Let’s crowdsource this! I like your idea — 3x3 would be fantastic! For production, how about Pet Food? Every time you feed it, you get 2 pet food in return! But it would not be infinite pet food…because the feeding could last for 3 days, so the max extra pet...