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Search results

  1. Event Daily Reward 10% PP crash

    Mine did the exact same thing 3-4 times in one city, once in another city, not at all in a 3rd.
  2. neighborly help preferences

    Everyone has their preference of what they would like help with first.... At this time I have my builders first, then culture, then main hall. A few weeks ago, culture first, builder, main hall last. These are always listed where our city name should be. I am not alone, most everyone in both...
  3. Looking for a new Fellowship

    I'm looking for a new Fellowship that enforces visits several times a week. I'm boosted in steel, crystal, and elixir and produce only those goods at this time. I do visits daily, generally don't miss more than once or twice a week for daily visits, and would love to find a fellowship whose...