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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Help Fellowship Members

    How have you factored in potentially different timezones for FS members?
  2. Whispers of Souls first quest

    I know. I am a slacker. And here's me expecting event prizes to be handed to me on a silver platter
  3. Feedback Fellowship Adventures - 2023

    Maybe move the FA research tech to the seeds chapter? That won't cause problems?
  4. Do you need a gold spire player?

    I summit weekly in 5 cities. I have a small Fely city ready to help you to gold. 2 years experience on EN. Very active player. Let me know if I can help you.
  5. Wrong tournament type on Elcysandir

    Can you confirm which Relics will be the next tourney? It affects how some players prepare. Thanks
  6. Elvenar Limerick Challenge

    A lonely old man and me, Were lost and all at sea; A fellowship saw, And opened their door: The contented old man and me
  7. Poaching of players should be banned

    The fresher the egg the better. Bottom to plate.