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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Discord closed?

    I think there are too many IT challenges, Firefox & deleting an old Discord account, for me to make it to Discord.
  2. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    Unfortunately BG3 is not free, but I am tempted to get off the Elvenar repetitive cycle, as it won't be the same without the forum. I just play on Harandar now, and I am so lucky with the fun fellowship that I'm in. They are a nice mix. If it wasn't for them, I would have already quit.
  3. Chapter 18 "Team Spirit" discussion

    Unfortunately I cannot access Discord, as my phone number is linked to an old Discord account, so hope a teammate can find this layout that they wanted to see. Thanks to Elvenstats and Elven Architect:
  4. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    The in-game link to the forum has been replaced by a link to Discord :( . Unfortunately I cannot access Discord, as my phone number is linked to an old Discord account. This game will soon be less enjoyable without the forum: time to look elsewhere, maybe Baldurs Gate 3.
  5. It worked for StarTrek

  6. Recruiting Swords & Gardens recruiting

    Spot now reserved for a weekend transfer. Like all fellowships, we do have players leave unexpectedly, or have long term RL disasters and want to step down, so please contact our Archmage if you want to contribute to our team.
  7. Recruiting Swords & Gardens recruiting

    We now have a spot open for an active player to join us at the top of spire each week. Please apply to our Archmage.
  8. Recruiting Swords & Gardens recruiting

    Spot now reserved for a weekend transfer. Like all fellowships, we do have players leave unexpectedly, or have long term RL disasters and want to step down, so please contact our Archmage if you want to join in near future.
  9. Recruiting Swords & Gardens recruiting

    Swords and Gardens has a spot open for an active player who wants to join us at the top of spire each week. Please apply to our Archmage.
  10. Feedback Ads Feedback thread

    Favouring some players with the option of using a hobby lobby, while others on the same server do not have it, seems very backward to me as well. I suspect there is more to this. The programmers at Inno are probably trying their best within the system they have to work to: at least Endless...
  11. City vs Game

    I might have an addiction to blueprints and possibly gold spire, but restrict it now to one world, one city. Finding a nice way through the chapters and trying to maximise my city’s output is my driver now, so the beauty is only in the efficiency/capability of my city. Occasionally I get to...
  12. Swords & Gardens - Gold spire

    Sadly we will be losing one of our team due to work soon. Please send applications to join to the Archmage in game. Please note that activity matters far more than size.
  13. Swords & Gardens - Gold spire

    One of our number is stepping back to have some R&R. Hence we will have a vacancy. If you think you are ready for gold spire, please apply to a mage in game. If you don't think you are there yet, but want to learn how. Please apply to our sister FS - Ingary Academy.
  14. Swords & Gardens - Gold spire

    Our 25th position will be taken before spire restarts on Sunday. Please still enquire about membership if you can confidently top spire each week. If you don't ask, you won't know if some of us may be planning a sabbatical and happy to give way for a keener player. If you are not there yet, but...
  15. Swords & Gardens - Gold spire

    If you are a very active player, we are recruiting now. Please apply in game to the Archmage or any Mage.
  16. New round of Fellowship Adventures

    Those gold bracelets look silvery to me, and that diamond looks like an emerald on the necklace, but what do I know about jewelry?
  17. Swords & Gardens - Gold spire

    Our 25th position will be filled after this FA, but please still enquire about membership. If you don't ask, you won't know if some of us may be planning a sabbatical and happy to give way for a keener player. Some of us have already dropped out at least once: RL is the priority. Happy to help...
  18. Hello First forum thread

    Yes. Definitely join a fellowship as soon as you can, but try to find a fellowship that is active with competent friendly mages, that gives the help and pace that you want. I think too many players give up if they initially pick an unsuitable fellowship, and many don't realise there is more to...
  19. Creating Enchantments without clicking on your Magic Academy

    I wish there was a lock on the Magic Academy (MA) preventing apprentices with fat fingers from collecting up enchantments accidentally. No matter where I hide it in my city, my fat fingers eventually find a way to swipe across it before an FA.