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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Cultural bonus

    What does having a cultural bonus of level two or lower mean?
  2. Inviting players & finding players not on my immediate map

    Thank you both Myne and crackie! :)
  3. Inviting players & finding players not on my immediate map

    I forget how to invite players. Can someone help me as soon as possible, please? In addition, how do I find players that are not on my immediate map, in order to invite them? If that makes sense? Thank you in advance! Take care and stay safe! ~Oolda~
  4. Peaceful

    ***We have 2 open spots to fill and we are in need of the following boosted goods: steel, planks, crystal, scrolls, elixir, and magic dust.*** Feel free to join at your earliest convenience. We look forward to you joining us soon! :) Take care and stay safe! ~Oold
  5. Whimsical Mythical Beasts

    ***We are seeking seven fellows and need the following boosted goods: marble, planks, crystal, silk, elixir, and gems.*** Please feel free to apply at your earliest convenience. Thank you! We look forward to you joining us. :) Take care and stay safe! ~Oolda~
  6. Peaceful is seeking 3 humble fellows - Harandar

    We are a laid back kind of FS. Just a few common sense guidelines to adhere to: 1. Treat others with respect. 2. Only fair trades accepted, i.e. 2 or 3 stars; unless prearranged for those who need assistance in smaller cities. 3. Tournaments, Spire, KP exchanges, and FSAs are strictly...
  7. Wrong server, again...sorry!

    See Harandar for Peaceful
  8. Wrong server...sorry!

    See Harandar for Peaceful
  9. Question about granite mines and copper foundries

    Will there be a need to keep the granite mines and copper foundries once you have completed the Dwarven chapter?