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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. LyndaKayY

    Harmonic♥Oasis recruiting for Active Tournament Players

    Harmonic Oasis We are looking for Active Tournament lovers with a strong sense of teamwork. Preferred boosts of steel, silk & gems all others will be considered. We are a strong team oriented 10 chest fellowship. We are ranked 21 and we score in the top 20 in the tournaments. Harmonic Oasis...
  2. LyndaKayY

    Harmonic Oasis recruiting for Active Tournament & Spire Players

    Harmonic Oasis We are looking for active tournament lovers and Spire lovers with a strong sense of teamwork who are well-established with a score of at least 750,000. Preferred boosts planks, silk & dust all others will be considered. We are a strong team oriented 10+ chest fellowship...
  3. Run contest for new graphics / "skins."

    Low cost method for increasing player interactions with your company. Small contests with in game rewards for winners & maybe even second or third place. There are people with serious art skills playing your games. Use their talents to help beautify your graphics. Winners get something, if you...
  4. Intra-Fellowship Contests

    It would be great if Fellowship AM or M could create Fellowship events and give rewards for different contests. These would be completely designed and run by the Fellowship and would require some way of giving resources or bonuses without using the trader which would put the rewards at risk of...