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    Your Elvenar Team

cross-tier trading

  1. Prohibit Cross Tier Good Trades & Non-Boost Production

    Inno should implement these changes imo: Cross Tier Good Trades Prohibition: Once you unlock your third boost and have at least one third boost manufactory built, then cross tier good trades for that player should be locked. 2. Non-Boost Production Prohibition: Non-boost manufactory...
  2. Maz Mellor

    New Trader Options

    As of now, we can filter/sort the offers in the Trader in three ways: (1) fellows only, (2) goods offered, (3) goods demanded. I would love to see two additional options, one to sort by star rating (3-star at the top, then 2-star, etc.) and the other to filter out cross-tier trades. What do you...