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  1. sambria

    Beta event

    Could someone clarify if ive missed a post or something about the new event on beta that starts in 20hrs? Its called Naturally Amazing and i have never heard of it in my life. A little clarification would be great like what it will give us and if i missed a note about the event at all. Thanks...
  2. Revo1

    How I am prepared

    This is what I do for an event, I have a whole bunch of lv1 workshops with groceries for the quests, and a lot of tier 1 manufacturers for the quests.
  3. New FA in April?

    Hello, One of the players in my fellowship posted that a new FA will start April 23rd. As we just ended one and I can't find anything to support this, I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else has heard this? If so where can I go to find this information? Thanks!